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13 years ago 0 223 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi clooney,
Thanks for the post....I am sure it will help many members as you expressed many of the same thoughts they are probably experiencing.
It really sounds that the program is working for you.  Besides these forums, what other parts of the program really stick out that you think other members should concentrate on?
Keep sharing your thoughts.

Jason, Bilingual Health Educator
13 years ago 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
this is not usually my thing but i felt i owed something to this site and to share a little information of my own as i know all of yours greatly helped me and maybe get a little feedback. so here is my story.... i was diagnosed with depression about 3/4 years ago after i went through a really bad patch of being intensly ill every morning and having very violent wretches every morning and alot of problems with eating and appetite. i was treated for the depression via medication and saw very mild improvement (to a point where i could just about cope..and i mean just) Ofcourse i was utterly convinced their was something wrong with me...their had to be some explanation as i hadn't felt like that when i was younger although i couldnt remember what it felt like anymore (im sure you know the feeling. my problems lasted all of the time and for such a length that i actually forgot what it was like to feel content and carefree because its always with you) anyway mood inevitably dropped to breaking point as did my symptoms and sickness. I really was confused and beating myself up all of the time, i felt so strange and on edge all of the time and it just fuelled my depression and bad moods. im sure youve heard the expression 'vicious circle' but it really is spot on. Everything just makes everything worse and all youre trying to do is find an answer, somthing MUST be wrong as their is howevermany billion people in the world and they dont feel like this. therefore something MUST be wrong (ring any bells?) anyway things got really bad again until one night when i was out i had a very scary episode with all of the classic panic attack symptoms sickness/tingly hands/dry wetches/stiff chest and i had to leave where i was and immediately go back home, after which i felt better. anyway the next day i was very concerned and was searching the internet for some explanation to my symptoms (again im sure u know the feeling) I came across panik attacks and anxiety and this website and here i am...a few days later and with alot clearer head. I have now realised that i was not depressed because i was ill but depressed because i was anxious. Before i guess i had thought depression and anxiety are pretty much the same thing. That is a key point when trying to understand your problems as i guess alot of you may have had depression aswell as anxiety. That was my problem...I was worrying but didnt know i was worrying (if that makes any sense??) i was always worrying but was unaware that that was or could be a problem. After all i was having PHYSICAL problems so therefore my problem must be PHYSICAL. not true. the brain is very powerful and the intense feeling of anxiousness is almost druglike in its nature. u know the intense nausios feeling you get in your stomach when your anxious and this is going to have very physical effects on you body especially if you obsess overthem we do. anyway ive had a few days to think it over and read over all of your posts and have realised that understanding myself or UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF and your actions is fundamental to recovery. it sounds a very patronising statement and i know you will be thinking 'oh hes talking some budda spiritual bull' but im not. it really is that simple. Understanding the tiny things that you do that makes you the way you are. Its these little revelations about yourself that really make you feel better. Trust me and i was at rock bottem about 4/5 days ago and after working myself out i feel so much better. the enthusiasm on this sight to help people out is proof in itself that their is a way to get better. i KNOW what its like to be at the bottom and thats why i felt the need to tell anyone else because i wouldnt wish the **** ive been through on anyone. Its almost as if everyone on this sight has a special cure that they must share because it ACTUALY DOES MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER. and why cant you convince yourself that youre going to get better-its true- and after all youve been convincing yourself for years completely irrational things and situations are going to come true. so why not something that actually IS? lol and i know what its like to think that it never will. IT CAN trust me! you heard it from me and ive seen loads of people on this site with the desire to convince others. why do you think that is?? you might think that im a particularly caring person. youd be suprised to know that im actually a bit of a rude **** in real life. but im a rude **** with the secret so all the more reason to believe me! well anyway if one person is able to read this and feel better then its worth all the time i spent writing it. Get well soon p.s (just a little effort and you will) x
13 years ago 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yah, those are some of the things I feel. I have been overly anxious, dizzy/lightheaded, occasional headache, tired, very intense dreams, shaky, and a fair amount of brain fog... but its just the dizzy and light headed that im soooooooooooooooooooo sick of. today is day 14, and i hope it goes away soon. i am feeling somewhat better overall, but i still dont feel good. if it takes 6 weeks, thats fine, as long as i know its coming. but im not sure how much longer i can handle these side effects. i had also been warned of the effects, and i do take my pill with my supper...its still just frustrating. wanting to feel better..and not being able to. today has not been a good one for im feeling extra down on myself. i'd been having a couple days that were better...but today is not one of them. i really appreciate you telling me about your experience. it has helped to shed some light for me.
13 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello m03:  Welcome to the forum.  Sounds like you are on the right track. I know it's confusing at first, wondering which symptoms are from the meds. and which are from the anxiety.  In the end, it doesn't really matter.  If you practice the coping techniques such as the muscle relaxation and breathing exercises, you might find them very helpful for relaxation during the rough spots.  Hope you continue on your path to wellness.
13 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi m03,
For me the first 10 or so days were the worst. My anxiety hit the roof,  I couldn't stand still in my kitchen long enough to cook a meal, even having a shower was awful. I did not enjoy that time to be honest. I almost gave up on it, but I had been forwarned. My doctor had said if I found the side-effects were too bad that I could take my celexa at night. Did yours mention anothing about that? (I take 20 mg. daily). I fell to sleep at  the strangest   times, my dreams were intense and sometimes frightening.....I had to take all that time off work. Are these some of the things you are experiencing? I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but it took about 6 weeks before I really felt the "miracle".  
But boy oh boy, when it kicked in  it did  its job. I don't even have any PMS ..I used to have (some months) severe fluctuations in mood the week before my period. Not now!
Talk with your doctor about how you are doing. And keep in touch. how far have you come on the program? It really works!
13 years ago 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
thank you for the replies!! and sharing your stories!! its nice to feel not alone! i dont know anyone at a personal level that is dealing with the things that i am, so its comforting to hear from you wonderful people.
the  hardest part of my current battle is not knowing what im feeling...the side effects from the medication? or still the effects of anxiety? i've been taking them for 13 days i think i'm feeling a combination of both! which is really difficult!! :(
im seeing my dr once a week for the next 4 weeks, so we'll see how it goes!!
hope everyone else is doing well!!!!
m03 :)
13 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi m03
I 'm going to make my story short... for over  20 years I struggled with anxiety and panic, without meds or any programs.It came and went, but I was always anxious.   I hit my bottom this past spring...I couldn't function, and I decided then and there to finally do something about it. That includes medication and this program.  I'm so happy that I did. my life has changed so much..the "always looking out for the signs of panic" are pretty much gone, I don't worry excessively, and am working on my phobias, and mastering them. My realtionships with my family and friends have vastly improved...its been like a miracle for me..seriously! Here's an example: just the other day I thought I felt some panic coming on,  you know what thats I sat down..thougth..ok, whatever, and it didnt happen...within 5 minutes I was back to calmness.
I hope not to be on celexa forever, but  am an enjoying my new found calmness after all this time so much I don't even worry if I have to be! So  the moral...don't be hard on your self for taking a med...if you need it, along with working this program..its all ok. Oh ya...the first week I was on celexa was  awful....but that's nomal I guess. All my sideeffects have gone now.
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi m03

Medication will not cure you, only CBT, but medication for a while is often a necessary evil while you do the program. If it gets hard and you want to give up come her and tell me, I will give you all the reasons not to give up. It works, I am proof of it.

Here for you.
13 years ago 0 286 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi m03,
It is frustrating to experience a relapse in anxiety - I've been there! I've worked through the entire program here and while I still have a ways to go, I can see that the sessions here really help you fight the core anxious thoughts that will help you make a permanent recovery. That's not to say there won't be bumps along the way, but with hard work this program really helps you get to the heart of the manner!
I'm glad you're reading through week 1. Hopefully the first couple of sessions will give you some more information about the physical symptoms and why you're experiencing them. It won't make them go away, but it might make them a little less scary - it did for me!
I also ultimately don't want to be on medications, but am for the moment. I think they can be a necessary tool sometimes, but CBT is an even more powerful one.
 Again, feel free to ask questions, share your thoughts, or even just come on here to vent during a hard time!

13 years ago 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi all
thanks for the warm welcome. i have started by reading the first week part. i read it yesterday.
as for my story, this is my second encounter with an anxiety disorder, which makes it more frustrating because i have been through this before and feel i should be able to handle myself, yet for some reason, i cant. i was on medication only the first time this happened 3 years ago. i came off the medication and was doing great for a long time, then over the last 6 weeks, i began falling back into an anxious state. worrying about everything, constantly. and then the physical symptoms start...and those are what scare me the most...scare me that something else is majorly wrong. and thats the anxious thought i cant get out of my head. my dr has put me back on a low dose of the same med i took last time (celexa). but i told him that i dont simply want to be medicated, i want to learn to cope on my own, so he suggested CBT and referred me. however, since i live in a small city, it could be ages until i see someone, so i decided to look on the internet so find something on my own, and thats when i stumbled upon this website. i read a couple of the forums, and saw this was a wonderful support network, and thought i should join. so thats where i am at. i have been taking the meds for 10 days, and the side effects are horrible...but they were the first time i took them too, and then it got better. and i plan on reading every week of this program and following it to get the  most i can out of it. i would like to thank you all in advance for helping and being a part of my recovery.
m03 :)

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