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Negative Core Beliefs - Examples

13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Loves trees

There is a thing called the mirror test. An apples and oranges thing. If you are in a gathering and think you are an orange among apple and just not fitting go to a mirror and look in it and think about what the apples are saying and doing. Are you frowning, can you smile at the same time, full smile, eyes too. If you can not find something to make the smile happen then they are apples and you will have to dig up some of your apple side to fit in, or leave. Frowns are negative. It is impossible to feel positive and frown, same as it is impossible to feel negative and smile. The mirror does not lie. you don't need a mirror, you can feel it in your face, And of course people can see it and it will affect how they deal with you. They might have been oranges too till your frown made them apples. Does this make sense. It is not what is happening around you that dictates the situation but how you see it. It is your emotions to the situation that will make or break it. The only emotion that can be both positive and/or negative is sad. More on sad another time. Knowing this one thing can give you the tools to fit in where you really don't, it is true, I am so different from the rest of the world but becoming an apple or a banana or what ever I need has not changed me, I am still at heart an orange, I just got a bigger basket so I can have room for the other fruit sides I am cultivating. I am still an orange at heart.

Any questions please ask, I find this whole emotions thing amazing.

Here for you,
your friend
13 years ago 0 356 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am going to jump in here with my perspective on this, especially this helpful "orange and apple analogy (or simile, i didn't take english lit)  :)
I too have mostly felt different from other people but not known why. Some of it was my interests were different from people around me, maturity levels were different, and other traits that make people interesting and themselves.
But one thing i've noticed in the last few months is that when I'm feeling "centered" or content (i.e. the panic and anxiety is temporarily parked away) and i am relating to others, I can often reflect after and say that we had an exchange where we were both the same (maybe both oranges for example, in that we 'got' each other and had a good time convversing). When I am not consumed or distracted by anxiety, worry and rumination, I am a good person: I am funny (i think), open, understanding, interested in what others say, helpful and sociable. Others who are in that 'zone' relate back to me in that way and we have a nice time of it together. Whether this is a 1 minute interaction at the grocery store with teh clerk, or a nice evening out with a few people at a craft meeting. My mood definitely determines whether I'll be able to relate or connect to others who are feeling content or not. If i am having anxious thoughts, ruminating, starting to feel anxious about how others are percieving me or what i'm saying, then I don't tend to come home and feel i've had good connections. In a group of say 10 women at a craft meeting, a couple will be in a content mood (or else why would they come) and a few will be maybe a bit tired or frazzled and a few may be really distracted by their own inner self talk and feeling agitated that their needs are not being met. How I experience my nigth with such a group depends pretty much completely on what mood and attitude I have and level of mindfulness I bring to the table so to speak.
There have been entire years where I've been agitated and anxious the entire time while out with people and no wonder I didn't hit it off with anyone during those times really, except for other dysfunctional or codependent people. I am starting to really see this now. When I'm calm, I more easily "see" the people around me who are feeling anxious themselves, and I (codependent) used to try to rush in to help them (not a good tactic until i have more skills). I am starting to breathe through it and let people feel what they feel instead of trying to rescue them from their own inner struggles when I was not invited in to do so. 
Without getting preachy I just wanted to pipe in and say, sometimes people are just not available for us to engage with despite our desire to do so, despite having things in common with them, despite maybe even their desire to do so. I will try to remember my own advice here as I work through my own fear of rejection. Interpreted one way, i see an apple as a content person. Some days I feel like an apple and the world is an apple orchard, other days, not so much. I spent several years being deeply suspicious of people who seemed balanced and content most of the time. I thought it was an act. perhaps for some people it is, but i think there are people who really are content and balanced. I laugh when i think back to one friend i had briefly who called me "her together friend". She 'bought' the show i put on around her. she had no idea what was really going on behind the curtain. i of course had no idea of any of this at the time, that was over 10 years ago.
If that makes any sense...
I don't know if this matches up much with what Davit was originally alluding to with the apple and orange images ,but our different interpretations are what make these concepts richer in the end i think.
13 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Mostly what I tell myself is this:  how very boring life would be if we were all alike.  Imagine if all flowers looked the same and smelled the same.  Imagine if all houses were the same.  You get the idea.  Embrace who you are and when you can accept all your quirkiness - all your good points and bad (not to say you can't try and better yourself) it will be easier to accept others too and actually enjoy their quirkiness.  If someone doesn't care for me, well I try and think of it as someone with different tastes than I have.  We don't all like the same movies, books, colours etc.  That's what makes us different, so it's o.k. if that person choses something else.  For that matter, we ourselves usually chose people with whom we are more compatible - nothing wrong with that.
13 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Re:  Codependency.  I was determined to change it and it's been so long ago that I can't remember the mindset I had back then.  It is foreign to me.  I don't remember anything about it which is a good thing.  I know that panic and anxiety will also leave one day.  And, I'll look back and it will be as foreign as codependency.  I know this, because it's true.  If I can unlearn that behavior and can relearn positive new behavior, I can be cured.  Back then it was bad.   I got tough, and told myself, "Be yourself and if someone doesn't like you for who you are, then who cares."  I need to remember to continue to carry that thought with me. 

13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

No you do not need to know the situation that built the belief and some are so far back you can't know it. Knowing it is there is all that is necessary to change it. You change it by changing how you perceive it. This goes for both negative and positive core beliefs. Changing your perception changes the belief. Do you believe the negative ones even though time has taught you they are not true? Do you have positive ones you won't accept because you have become too negative to believe them? See it is more about what you believe than about what they are or where they come from. Knowing where they come from does make them more understandable and easier to deal with but really not necessary. You need to believe in you and who you are and when you find some negative core belief telling you otherwise knowing that it is just you believing a falsehood is enough to change it. I hope this made sense.

Here for you, 
Your friend
13 years ago 0 286 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Again, I'm finding this thread really helpful too because I'm just starting to try and identify my negative core beliefs. Like Shari I'm starting to notice the "red flags" that indicate there is a negative core belief there. What I'm wondering is how important is it to figure out where that belief initially came from? For instance I am a perfectionist and always have been.....straight-A student through school, always set the bar much higher for myself than anyone else does. Do I need to know why I feel this way to start challenging the belief that I have to give 110% at everything I do or else I'm a failure? I have identified the belief, but I don't know yet where this comes from for me.
Cleo - I have also gotten the "you're weird" comment throughout my life. I have learned to say "thank you!" when someone says this to me because how fun is it to be like everyone else anyway? I embraced my quirkiness at a pretty young age. I remember when it started to happen for me was in 5th grade when all the girls were starting to get into make-up and going to the mall. I tried for that year to be "like them" and I wasn't having any fun at all! I made a decision to just be myself - much more of a tomboy. As I got older I began to find there were a lot of other girls like me I could associate with.
13 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I needed that laugh this morning! Thanks guys!
13 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Since you all brought it up.  Sometimes I feel like a nut sometimes I don't.  As I gotten out and exposed myself to more people and more situations I am finding I am not all that different from other people.  There are a lot of people like me out there and most of them have fears too.  We are all really more alike than we think.  Speaking of nuts there is a nut farm and pumpkin patch farm I want to go to next month.  There will be tractors, farm engines, farm animals and such there. Also a lot of  nuts just like me.    Every time I think of it it makes me laugh.  What will people think if I tell them I am going to the nut lol lol !!!!  I have seen and been in a few nut farms in my life, this will be the first one that actually grow nuts........
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Have you heard the saying, "men are from Mars, women are from Venus". Well I'm from Pluto, a little far out, but the one thing I have in common is that I still come from a planet. So you can be a banana. You will still fit in the basket. Ooh, that is too close to basket case, should have found another word. To late! People reading this will think we are c......., no not using that word cause we are not.

Your friend
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I have a friend who fits the profile codependent to a T. 100%. I would have thought you might have been overly supportive instead. I don't see the mood swings that go with codependence, but only you can know that. If you were then you have shown a great trust and acceptance in us by allowing us to see this side, and for that trust I thank you. 

Your friend

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