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Lousy Day

15 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Caden
I just purchased 2 books that may interest you and what you're currently working on...
They are Calming Your Anxious Mind (how mindfulness & compassion can free you from anxiety, fear and panic) and Daily Meditations for Calming your Anxious Mind.  Both are by Jeffrey Brantley. 
Although I'm not that far into them yet I'm excited about reading them and learning this...  I'm in a good space right now but I'm always focusing on the solution (to quote you)..and I can never be too prepared for another relapse or step back...Plus these are great things just for day to day stresses...for myself these include kids, school and just running the household...
Take care Caden - I think you're doing just great.  One step at a time...
15 years ago 0 151 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ya All:
Just thought I would share this with the group.  I had an appointment with my ENT guy & was talking with his nurse.  We got onto the subject of Panic, GAD and depression, she said something that stayed with me all that day.  I wish I could day it has stayed with me but, oh well.
She said "Focus on the solution not the problem"
I am going to print it in big bold red letters and put it up on the wall to remind me.
15 years ago 0 151 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ya Joe:
I don't think I will be looking for a psychiatrist again in the near future,  I see them as my last resort.
I don't know if you're familiar with Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), I took a 10 week course at a hospital round the corner from me last year.  Well needless to say all I learned has gone out the window. One of the goals I made with my social worker was to go to meditation once a week & so far so good(except for one night I didn't go).
Here are a couple of links for the MBSR  just in case you would like to check it out:
I have been taught the Taoist form of Tai Chi which involves 108 moves, unfortunately at the time I was learning I was in a really bad depression and didn't contintue the training.  I am trying to practice the small number of moves I did learn at least twice a day.  I find it does relax my racing mind because I am concentrating on the moves & I really enjoy the slow flowing movements.
I just purchased a video (not the Taoist form) called Tai Chi for Seniors.  Although I'm not a senior I checked out the website which has short videos of some of the moves and really enjoyed it.  I have attached the link below:

Oh well it's off to school tomorrow. My first english class essay is due October 6th, talk about challenges english was not a good subject for me at school.

Well I guess that's about it for now.

Take care.
15 years ago 0 466 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya Caden!  These days aren't so bad, gotta admit I have no complaints.  You're much better with your words then you think, Caden.  You know how to speak your mind, that's a very admirable trait...and it works perfect with me!
About the psychiatrist, not all of em work for us.  Hell, I went through...2 I think?  Talked to way more then that over the phone, just didn't feel the right vibe though.  Keep searching, you'll find one that works for you.  Congratulations on going though!  The first few steps are always the hardest, but you're doing it!
Good job on going to the meditation too!  You're already ahead of me, before I went to the counselor...I couldn't even do what you were doing.  Just went to work, then kinda sat at home and...well, sat there, lol.
Let me know how the Tai Chi works for you, always been interested...just haven't made time for it
15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
cm,   It is so good to hear you have found Tai Chi and it is working for you! Relaxation methods are so unique and really depend on the individual but by trying out different methods, you can find out which types work best for you!   Continue to keep us posted on how the relaxation is going.     Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 151 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ya Breanne:
I just came back from the meditation, wasn't sure I wanted to go, but ended up going an hour later. We did some sitting, walking and eating meditation but I  was  just too agitated to stay for the full day.  Also my sinuses are really bothering me.
It started at 10am and ends at 3pm, so all and all I didn't do too bad.  I will try again.
You know what I find that doing Tai Chi relaxes me so much more than meditation.  I find that my mind is so focused on the moves that it doesn't have much chance to wander as much as it can in the meditation.
I will be doing the Tai Chi more often and have found a really good video on the web which I'm going to order this weekend.
15 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sounds interesting! Let us know how it goes,
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 151 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ya jhori82:
Thanks for asking & how are you these days?
I really appreciate everyone taking the time out to give me your words of wisdom.  Sorry I haven't responded sooner but I honestly didn't know what to say as I don't have a way with words like you guys.
Well I met with the psychiatrist on Thursday morning. I almost wasn't going to go because when I envision psychiatrist I automatically think meds.   We went through my life story, he said my options areMindfulness, CBT, Psychotherapy, Breathing exercises and of course meds.  Then he asked me if I wanted his opinion on what would be my best option at this point & guess what he said?  You got it meds, at that point I really wished I hadn't come.  He even said do you want me to write out a prescption now and then you can think about it?  I quickly said no. You see my social woker already told him my background and how I was terrified of the meds but he was only too willing to write to script.
I left there feeling worse than before I went in thinking there is no other hope for me other than the meds.  Since he was asking about my life in detail it got me thinking about a lot of things and then I got really depressed.  So all and all not a good experience with him.
Thank God for all the caring people like youself on this site.
On a more positive note I am going to be attending an all day Mindfulness meditation tomorrow, so I'll see how that goes.
15 years ago 0 466 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Heya, Caden.  How are things?  Drop by from time to time we miss ya! 
15 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello CM . Well i have just read all through your thread and if it helps i can too relate to quite abit . Well all except going back to school !
I got my depression back this year because i was soooo tired of fighting my damn anxiety 24/7 . I was a living walking wreck for quite a few months . I didnt eat , sleep i just 'existed' . There wasnt any part of my body that wasnt affected it seemed . I honestly came that close to losing it and giving up because i couldnt see a light and the tunnel was getting longer if anything .
My throat was so constricted i panted at times . Had so many PA's aday it was surreal and totally exhusting . I hated life for a small time , if this was how its going to be from now on then i dont want it . Hey i am not on about sucide i was just so down .
OK how i go through it , um there was no  plan what so ever . The only thing that kept me strongish was THESE GUYS HERE . Honest . I was obsessed and on here refreshing like  a loon all the time , or reading posts from last year ! This gave me complete hope , yes sometimes even reading stuff on here made me anxious can you believe that ?
 went from hour to hour to get through the day , tried to keep as active as i good (as much as my gallstone pain would allow) . I had it in my head the tired i was the better the chance of sleep , pah that wasnt true but at least i got exercise !
In the early days i tried the relaxtion CD's twice a day , plus deep breathing as many times aday i could manage .
I eventually asked for meds , took them 3days and they sent me beserk ! Great . So doc prescribed me something else , and i would have been happy to take them if he hadnt ended with if they dont work i have something else to try !!!! i WISH PEOPLE WOULD REALLY UNDERSTAND HOW OUR ANXIOUS MINDS WORK . oops sorry caps lock . I mean was an innocent thing to say but thats all i heard . I had meds in my cuboard for weeks and weeks !! Then i had eough again , waited till my mother-in-law was staying with us and tried them . OK my anxiety hit the roof that night (have too take mine at night which i think is stupid) , but i got through it and now no probs taking them .
So what im getting at is its time and patience with yourself , and some effort with praticing breathing and relaxation . Plus are are always here to help , advise and encourage you all the way .
Oh i will end , sorry this post is going on abit making up for lost time i think . You mentioned that your eyes roll back , whoah i still sometimes get that . It happens to me when im trying to get to sleep , and i still get freak out abit with it and have to talk myself down .
Take care CM xxx

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