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Lousy Day

15 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sometimes we become angry.  It's okay.  It's healthy to vent.  Although I know that it's hard when you are afraid of pissing off the people you depend on.  But somtimes enough is enough.  You can only take so much ..... somtimes people know how much you depend on them and can be very hurtfull.  We'll get through this though ....  don't anyone lose hope ..... I almost did this last weekend ..... but when you really think it through .... just think of what you've missed out on because of "anxiety" and well I did alot of thinking ...... and I'm not the type of person that likes to lose .... I see it as yet, another challenge .... that I will beat.
15 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You'll be fine .... in the end.  You're still here with us.  I've been having troubles of my own.  I've been working since about Oct. but, now I don't want to be home.  Every day I think I'm dying and everyday ..... I don't .... for the last five years.  I'm thinking of joining a local group here in town also ... just don't know if I can afford it. Or if I should spend my money.  Money's tight right now.
15 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Did something trigger this?  How is your daily journal coming along? If it is a really bad day take some time to yourself to re-focus and keep yourself relaxed.
Members will be along shortly to share with you.

Josie, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 180 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well Gang:
I haven't posted here for a while, but that doesn't mean I was feeling better.  Take today for instance one of the most irritating days I have ever had.  Everything, everyone and anyone was ticking me off.  I don't know why I'm feeling so annoyed and on edge, it's unreal.  I actually thought I would end up in the psych ward today.  I thought after 2 1/2 years and still counting & having all the emotions a person could encounter, but no here's another one.  What next?
I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has been in my shoes at some point in their struggle with this disorder.

15 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Try challenging these negative thoughts! You are smart, you are a good person, you will do great in school, and you will be able to get through your group process class! You can do it. If you feel that you can't make sense of your thoughts, then don't! Focus on what is positive and what makes sense to you. Have you re-read through the program? CM you can, and you will figure this out
Members, any words of wisdom?
Hang in there CM,
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 180 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ya Joe:
You know what I'm not very strong at all, I didn't go to group process class yesterday as I couldn't face it.  In fact I am so on edge, depressed and I don't know what the heck is going on with me now.  I thought I went through all the emotions a person could, but no.   Now when I wake up in the morning I have all sorts of thoughts going through me head that don't make any sense at all and this worries me because I don't understand why.  I think to myself there is something really wrong with you, the thoughts don't even make any sense and they just go from one to the next.  I think  I will end up in the psych ward or something.  I feel like an emotional wreck, I am so self-conscious it's unreal.  It's like I don't know how to think about anything else other than the above.  I am at my wits end trying to figure this out.  I am just hoping other members have had some kind of similar experience.
15 years ago 0 123 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Keep at it Caden!  There are always going to be people that are hard to deal with, hell...I live with one now and it SUCKS!  But, after time I've learned when they are joking or being serious.  Most of the time they don't really know how to express it, they just kinda expect people to either catch on or not.  Keep with it though!  You're doing great by going to class and taking this on!!!  You may not feel very strong or motivated, but I gotta say you handle yourself like a champ in those situations.
I'll always be rooting for you my (you're Scottish, right? ) sister!

15 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey CM,

I am sorry to hear you had that setback. But remember, just as you had gotten better, you can do it again. Plus, that work group session class will be over shortly and you won't have to deal with it anymore. So just do the bare minimum to get through that class and focus on the other stuff that you like. Once this is over, it will help. I believe you can do this. 

As for the depression thing, I get it. It is hard. Please know though that it gets better.

I wish I had better advice for you. But please feel free to vent with us anytime. We are here for you. 
15 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi CM,
It is unfortunate that you feel intimidated and uncomfortable within these group sessions. Is there someone mediating the group discussions such as a teaching assistant or an instructor? I imagine the purpose would be to stimulate dialogue and hopefully learn something. Do you feel this is being achieved?
Perhaps you may have to consider being less friendly or humourous and focus on the sessions as strictly school-related? It may be wise for you to be cautious if you feel you cannot trust others in your class. What do you think?
Faryal, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 180 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

My first encounter was when I was in a group of 4 & we had to answer about half dozen questions and come to a 
 consensus.  The only guy in the group is a big 6 foot guy who has been in/out of jail all his life who started to get in my face shall we say when my opinion differed from his & I had to explain to him why mine was different.  I do not like confrontation of any kind & especially from someone with his background I felt intimidated.  The next encounter was with a group of another 3 girls who I know from last semester  We were asked questions comparing this group to others we have been a part of in this class.  Two of the other girls said they felt very comfortable in the group and it was the best one yet, our other friend said to her there was no difference from any of the other groups.  I said to her ok you out of the group.  She started coming towards me saying now she was going to get agressive, one of the other girls in the group said "Carol was only joking" 
I have never felt comfortable in our class setting especially our group work it just made me think you never know with this lot what will happen, how they will react.  It started thinking that I don't want to joke with any of them , but you know joking around is part of my personality.  I just don't trust some of them in my class.

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