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Bleurgh !

15 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks  .
Starting to feel yucky again and hurty . I must stress im not in agaony and can handle it pretty much without painkillers or though i took some last night . ( mind you if you read my post in the throat thread you know why lol) .
Ok last two days i have taken the dog out in the morning for her walk by myself before anyone gets up without my phone too  . That i so pleased about , i know its just around the block but im on my own . I also faced another fear while taking the dog out . When i was a teenager i was stalked for a few months . It got very messy . So i  am afraid to go in out of the way places where unfortunately a good part of my dog walk is . Im constantly looking everywhere too . Why is it that i dont see the regualar dog walkers when im on my own , huff !
Im keeping myself active as well , i have made sure that i have taken the children out for walks while we have the weather . Today we went to the beach for an hour .
My doctor phoned me today and made me an appointment for thursday whoopee , finally get to see him and ask the questions i need to . Will keep you posted , cos i know what your like lol .
Thanks for listening once again , take care everyone .
Huggles CD xxx
15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello CD,
Wow sounds like Friday was a really good day! I am so happy for you! As for feeling washed out saturday it is no wonder phew! Glad you managed to do what you needed anyway. As for eating a lot today, I am sorry to hear it gave you pain but I hope you enjoyed it while you could! Hope you have a good evening. Please keep us posted.
Way to go on all your successes! You go girl!
15 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am so glad to hear that you have had a couple of amazing days! That is so great
Hopefully you have a relaxing evening, I think you need/deserve it!!
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well i was going to start a new post but couldnt be bothered . Might as well stick to this one eh ?
Ok friday what a day !!! First of all i went completely mad in the morning around the house . I took advantage of it still being school holiday and the children having big lay-ins . Walked the dog , well only around the block . They got up so i fed and watered them lol .
It was a really sunny day for a change so at lunch time i decided to take the children with hubby to town . Boy that is a big walk and all uphill . We were there for ages looking in all the shops . Lost my eldest son so waited ages for him and gave up .
Then i said i was going to treat them to a Mc Donalds (something they hardly ever get) . Should have seen their faces awwwww . That was a heck of a walk as well . Sat in there for an hour while they ate and had an icecream .
Walked the huge walk home as well . As soon as i walked in my close my old neighbour was there in her car . Ive come to take you to my new place . So off i went in the car with her and stayed three hours phewwww .
Eventually got home and then bumped into some of the other neighbours , we talked for a good couple of hours having a laugh . I honestly cant remember having such a good day . I was bushed by the end of it .
Yesterday i was washed out and yucky but put that dowen to the busy day before . Didnt stop me going to the shops and cooking etc .
Today i have been naughty and have eaten lots of things . Feel very sick for it and am beginning to feel the pangs of pain coming .My fault i know , but i dont usually eat alot and it took me by suprise that i could .
CD xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
15 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for your kind words DM , Diva , Miki & Breanne . Cor hadnt noticed its been two days since i posted this . I do have my reasons and am gunna do a success post , howz that ? lol
OOOthat day i didnt go to bed till 9am eeeeek but got up at 12.45 and felt so naughty . Seriously dont know why because that wasnt even four hours sleep , im just silly sometimes . Slept abit better the next night as well .
Will post my success later , i really have to feed my kiddies ................ bad mum !
Bye bye for now CD xxx
15 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wow you're such a trooper. You manage to juggle so much and still maintain such a positive attitude.  You go girl.  I'm sorry to hear both you and your son are not feeling up to snuff.  I hope you get some sleep and that it helps to make you feel better.  Like Diva said...when you need the sleep the most it seems the most elusive...
Take care CD...and hugs to you.
15 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I hope your son is feeling better, and I hope you were able to get some sleep!
Let us know how you are,
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello CD,
I'm sorry you are going through so much pain. Hope you got some sleep and today to be a better day. 
Best wishes and hugs.

15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello CD,
Sorry to hear your boy felt poorly. Also sorry to hear you feel poorly and have trouble sleeping. Isn't it annoying when you need sleep to feel better and yet you can't get quality sleep? What is it about anxiety that robs us of sleep when we most need it to recuperate... Huggles to you and I do hope sleep finds you. Please let me know how you are.
15 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Faryal , maybe i should try and journel things . Never been very good at that . Thankyou for your kindwords as well .
Hey there Diva , dont matter that the reply was short , made me feel nice  . Thank-you friend .
Yikes its now 5.30 i really should try and get some sleep . Not tired though , have begun to feel worse when i go to bed this last few days and very sick . My son was poorly last night with sickness so maybe its a bug . Hope so !!! And not anxiety .

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