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15 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks you guys.. I've never heard those terms before.   Regardless though - what an awful feeling...and a little creepy.  lol..
Have  a great day!
15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dazed Mommy and Diva,
That is what we call Scissor Lock... where you're aware of your surrounding but you can't move and you feel like something is on top of you.

15 years ago 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dazed Mommy, here where I live they call that the Old Hag. aware but unable to move or fully wake up.
15 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Awww.. the sleep thing.
I have never really considered myself an insomniac but I am a night owl..and often am up much later than I should be.  I also am the lightest sleeper, great for being a mom but not for being well rested.. lol..    I am also a VERY vivid dreamer most often when I sleep on my back.  Weird as that may be it's a guaranteed scary vivid dream... so obviously something I avoid.  When my anxiety was bad I actually had times when I was awake but couldn't move my body... strangest scariest sensation.  There is a name for it but I can't remember... Hasn't happened in YEARS...knock on wood ...
I've tried a lot of things but like everything with me once I feel better I fall back into old habits...
I think I've had crazy sleep patterns since I was a kid though.. I remember being up later than my parents.. unknown to them of course.. My mind always racing about something - never knowing that it was probably anxiety.
Your stories bring me comfort in a way though knowing I'm not the only one awake in the wee hours...
It's something I'm always working on though.. lol.. Just add it to my list
Thanks for sharing :)
15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Breanne,
you are right, the ultimate decision is mine. But i find people's advice helps me think! Thanks for the reply!
Hello Joe,
 wow almost a week. No wonder you felt weird lol and yeah, you do wake up forgetting lol Glad to hear your sleep is better now, and thanks for the tips. I will keep them in mind!
Hello Miki,
Oh vivid dreams can be bad too. Glad you don't have those issues now! I think the half pill at first is a great idea. Thanks! I think I will try the pills. I do need sleep pretty badly. Not tonight though or the next 72 hours as I am on concussion watvch lol. BTW, what is a scissors lock?
HEllo Faryal,
 Yes lack of sleep is taking its toll. And yeah, I am glad my doctor is on it too! I think I must be reacting differently as my body is uncoordinated and I am accident prone. Plus, I amtired, sad and more anxious.
And yes, I have heard of sleep clinics. My docor actuallt is prescribing me a visit at a sleep clinic in my region to check exactly what you said, sleep apnea lol. I guess you and her think alike. 
She is covering all the bases lol
Thank you for tje reply and the advice!
Hiya CD,
20 years of sleeplessness! O.O  Yeah i get that. I am easily going on 15 years of bad sleep patterns and all sorts of insomnina....Some periods are better then others. this is not one of them. as for ONLy waking upo 5 or 6 times sheesh! Sorry to hear you have so much trouble with your sleep! I empathize with you, I truely do!
Me, once I am truely asleep I am not aware of waking up too often. I would say once or twoce at best. My problem is falling asleep as in I can't seem to! Takes forever! I also jerk awake inhaling wildly everytime I go to fall asleep some night which is well anxiety inducing and not so sleep conducive lol.
So yeah, I think I will try the sleeping pills. I will take them only one night when I cannot fall asleep though. I will try and be in bed at regular hours and will take a pill only after trying to sleep without them. But if I cannot sleep I will take them so I get proper sleep. and I will try them but only till my appointment in two months. I know for sure I do not want to take them long temr. But I am trying to give them a try to see if I am more rested, less sad and on a better sleep cycle  by then. So yeah, that is my decision on the sleeping pill issue. As for my anxiety pills. I will continue to have them PRN and I will be sure not to exceed a t preset amount of pills for my year as my doctor recommended! Also, I will make sure my husband is aware of all my pills and how many I take so he can keep and eye on me.
As for trying the pills since they are new I will only try them on a weekend night when I have time to recuperate if I do not like them. Plus I will take them early and my husband promised to stay up late to keep an eye on me lol. anyway, I won't try them in the next 72 hours as I hit my head and am on concussion watch lol. I don't want to miss symptoms for being doped up lol.
Anyway, thanks all of you for helping me figure this all out! Was a toughie for me. Feel better now that I have a plan of action and some set boundaries!
15 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Diva , as a fellow insomiac (sp) i totally understand how you feel . I havnt had a full nights sleep in 20 years !!! Dont have kids thats when it started happening lol , Some nights are better than others on a good night i only wake up 5 or 6 times and can usually go straight off .
If the pills work for you then why not ? Totally a personal thing . I still have some but there is no point . Yes they get me off but i still woke up pah !
Let us know what you decide
15 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Diva,   Long-standing insomnia can be very hard on the body, as you already know. Sleep (especially deep sleep) is how the body repairs and rejuvenates itself so when that doesn't happen, the body starts to react in different ways. I'm glad you are in constant contact with your doctor to look into this.   Have you ever heard of a sleep clinic? I wonder if looking into that might be an option for you.   Finally, I wanted to mention something in regards to your "jerking awake and inhaling crazily" symptom. Please ask your doctor about something called Sleep Apnea. This is a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. Your doctor can do some tests to diagnose it if this is the case for you.............this is just a thought.   Be well,     Faryal, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wow those are loong days for not sleeping! I don't really have all that much problems just when I took SSRI's i had a lot of vivid dreams. this morning i think I had scissor lock for the first time, felt pretty scary. I think you should try those pills.. maybe  you can take a half at a time to just start out?
15 years ago 0 466 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I know the insomniac feeling, Doc.  I've stayed up for almost a week oh my, the visuals you get at that point are far out.  Then you wake up on the arm of the table with a big bruise on your head forgetting what you were doing...
Luckily my sleeping schedule now is just awry, but melatonine does reading.  What helped me:  An hour before I sleep, relax my brain by doing nothing too thought provoking like studying, (watch cartoons maybe?), take a shower, point being let your mind unravel.  Then relax in bed again doing nothing special...maybe reading or watching tv...let yourself get bored and dozing off gets a bit easier.  Pills can help you start the process, but like Breanne said, it's your choice what you do.  You know you!
15 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You know the decision is ultimately yours. No matter what you choose....get some rest!
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator

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