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Panic attack, hands tingling

17 years ago 0 8760 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Madara, Don't be too hard on yourself. It's just your panic that encourages this disbelief. Keep working through the program. If you can tackle the source, the symptoms will diminish. Furthermore, the program will teach you how to challenge those types of thoughts. Keep persevering! Danielle ____________________ The PC Support Team
17 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I find that breathing techniques are not only helpful in panic situation but also to control daily anxiety. I use the breathing techniques often to help myself relax. I am sure once you are comfortable using the breathing techniques they will help you. Hang in there and take care! -Diva
17 years ago 0 144 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Just adding- Diva, the good news is your experience- you have had this tingling and now you have learned to control it. It means it is possible to overcome it :) It just takes time & practice. Next week at my psychoterapist I am also learning to breath to relax. I hope it will help me in panic situations.
17 years ago 0 144 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear Diva, very nice of to answer me! When I have asked this to psychoterapists, they also have confirm it is not dangerous for health but I somehow don't believe it. I think they are lying to me because they want me not to worry about it. Although I know it is nonsense, it's hard for me to tell myself- ""IT IS NOT DANGEROUS. IT IS JUST AN UNPLEASANT FEELING". I am very untrustful (if it is the correct word). My thoughts are very negative. Why? From where it is so? I can't stand it!!! Thanks again, Diva, for your friendly and caring attitude!:)
17 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hmmm i used to get that during panic attacks i get it a lot less now. But before when i used to have a really bad panic attack my hands and feet would tingle or go numb. I was told it is not dangerous at all. I was told it was just yet another draw back of the hyperventilation process that happens during panic attacks and that as such it is far from dangerous. Nowadays,I contol my breathing better during panic attacks and my hands and feet don't go numb or tingle anymore. But i am no health professionnal and i am not 100% sure what i told you is acurate, it was just what i was told. But then again i have been dealing with panic disorder and tingly numb hands for over 15 years and iI am in very good health still. What i think you should do is ask your healthcare professional about it. It will make you feel better once he confirms it is not dangerous and that will make it easier for you to deal with that particular symptom. Anyway, hang in there! This too shall pass!
17 years ago 0 144 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Usually I have (or had) panic attacks in transport, especially when it is (almost) impossible to get out of it. It starts by stress..then hands tingling...more and more...then it is almost impossible to endure it. When I get off, it all gradually ends. It's hand tingling I'm afraid of the most. I start to think- what's next? Infarct, insult? (Although I know that this is just a panic attack). I want to find out how dangerous to the body is this hands tingling. If you know, please share your knowledge and information :)

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