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8 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes, made through last night and feel much better this evening.  I rewarded myself with some organic beets.  lol!
8 years ago 0 11219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Globerover,

I hope you got through last night ok. Being lonely can be a big trigger for many. I am glad you have this website as an outlet. Perhaps you can start brainstorming other ideas to help with the loneliness? If you have a plan in place prior to it may be easier to manage cravings. Ideas can be anything from big actions like volunteering or joining a group activity to smaller actions like calling a friend or spending some time with a pet. What do you think are some ideas that can help with loneliness in the future?
I hope you are having a good today. Remember, you are not in this alone!

Ashley, Health Educator
8 years ago 0 315 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It is so easy to slip into self. I can host awesome pitty parties for myself. When I feel self loathing and or boredom I quickly snap out of it I pickup the phone to reach out to another in recovery, read, I read a lot. If you do not have a copy of the Big Book or AA I suggest you get one. That book helps me a lot. this site and others work also. I have to keep busy to keep the sticking thinking away.
8 years ago 0 115 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome Globerover, I am sure you will find this site to be a very helpful site for trying to help you break the cycle of drinking too much. I myself am quit now almost 9 months, after a few unsuccessful attempts the previous couple years.

I want to point out to you a big benefit of quitting drinking that may not be that obvious up front. When i was drinking, my sleeping patterns were completely screwed up. Oftentimes, I was not falling asleep. Instead, i was "passsing out." The next day, I was sluggish and tired due to lack of proper sleep ( and on top of that, often hungover). Then  on days when i did not drink, i found i couldnt sleep, because i had been dependent on booze to go to sleep.

Since I quit drinking, my sleeping patterns have returned to the way they are supposed to function. I fall asleep shortly after i get in bed (usually I read for 15 minutes). I get long, deep, uninterupted sleeps. These leave me refreshed and energized the following day, not to mention that fact I am not hungover! 

So sleeping well has to be one of the biggest benefits I found since I quit drinking. I think this has drastically improved my overall well being. I found after I was quit a week or so, my sleeping patterns started to return to "normal."

I wish you all the best. For you or anyone starting the process, my advice to you is dont get thinking too far ahead. Handle it one day at a time. It gets easier wto not drink with each day that you dont drink. As the booze gets out of our system, your head starts to clear, and it gets easier to keep on track. At least that was my experience.

8 years ago 0 557 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good for you Globerover, It is my third day today and it is getting better. When I have cravings, like I had again today, beside eating at regular time, I force myself to remember the many reasons why I want to stop, why I have to stop. The family, the money, the job, my memory. I went on another site where they make you write down the list of advantage and disadvantage and I must admit the list I wrote is a lot longer on the disadvantage side. lol
8 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ashley,  When I got home from work this evening, I felt lonely and down on myself.  I miss drinking but would have to go out and buy some.  In 2 hours I can go to bed and will have succeeded.  That will be a good feeling.  I know I can do it.  Yes, I want nicer skin and fewer empty calories.  Sleeping better and getting less depressed are also good reasons for me not to drink.  Spending time here at the help center, writing my feelings down, sharing with others and seeing your posts means a lot right now.  Thanks!

8 years ago 0 11219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome and congrats on getting started.

It sounds like you are determined to take control of this. Going through a break up while still living with the person can be incredibly hard, it is understandable that you used alcohol to self medicate but now it sounds like you are ready for a change. It also sounds like it is the perfect time to start a new you! Not drinking will do wonders for your mood, energy level, health and appearance (better skin and less nutritionally absent calories).
How are you feeling today? What are some of your successes and challenges?

Ashley, Health Educator
8 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Really appreciate your share and congrats on staying sober for almost 2 years!
8 years ago 0 315 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I see that you signed up for this site in August, tells me that you have thought drinking to an issue for a while and now doing something about it, good for you. For me it took the loss of everything meaningful to even sign up here. My wife was long gone, house the bank took, boats where sold to buy booze, kids hated me, boss was sick of me sleeping in the washroom, I hated myself. That is where booze took me before I signed up here. I registered March 9, 2014, March 10 is my first day sober and since then I have done a lot to stay sober and live right. Not because I needed to but because my life was messed up that I needed and wanted to. There are a lot of tools out there, this site included designed to help those that have the desire to get and stay sober. 
8 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks, Lynn.  Good advice!

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