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Too Late?

11 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
HI Jenna8090, 

I hope that you have reached a moment of clarity with regards to your relationship. You know deep down inside what is best for you and him, I hope that everything works out. There is a session of the program on relationships, take a look at it because it is actually really informative and helpful. 

Samantha, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jenna,  you might find it helpful to read the thread about Toxic People which can be found in the forums :  Home>Relationships>Toxic People.  I hope this helps.
11 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jenna... I'm sorry you are in a relationship that feels so bad.  You show a lot of clarity about yourself and the relationship.  I hope you can listen and trust your own wisdom here.  Sounds like you are on the right track.  How can we support you here at the DC? Ending a relationship is never easy... even when it is the right thing to do, it can feel just awful.  Please take care of yourself and stay safe Jenna.  We are here to listen if you need support.
11 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Is it wrong for me to feel it’s too late for my relationship? I've been with the same man for the last two years. It seems like he began to disregard me at the beginning of the second year. He poisons our relationship by always having to have his way, making me feel like I am a stupid little child that can’t do anything alone. I live on my own, completed my degree, have an established career, etc. He has roommates, no degree, works retail, and parents help him budget his money to get out of his credit card debt. Additionally, he goes to his parents any time that he has a problem with our relationship, and doesn’t have many friends.



I have tried talking to him many times about what I need out of a relationship with him. I am very aware of what I need, and honest about it with myself and my partner. I have to be active and busy, along with social, etc. I also have been trying to be very health conscious because I was pre-diabetic when I was 100 lbs heavier (3 years ago). When we first started dating, he said that he was active, social and health conscious. About 9 months into things, I realized that he is not. He doesn’t have any hobbies, doesn’t really have any ambition except tv, no friends, very overdramatic, a chronic complainer, etc. I kept hoping that things would change if I discussed the things with him, but to no avail.






I finally was at my wits end and I tried to break up this last weekend, but he got very upset and I felt bad. He says that I did not talk to him in a manner previously that he could understand that I was that far gone. I had to sit down and talk to him while holding his hand, in a very monotone voice, like I was talking to him like a child for him to get what I was saying. We've talked about my needs before and nothing has changed. Now that I've talked to him, he is acting different. Trying to meet my needs, to the point of martyrdom. I know that this is probably only a temporary change, and will most likely lead to his resentment of me.






I feel mostly like I should wait at least the two weeks until after his birthday to break up with him **again.** But I just don’t want to be in this relationship anymore. Actions are reality; words are not real unless you actually follow through with them. I have had too many people tell me things and not follow through in my life to believe that this is real. And I feel too little too late, even though he is acting very nice and trying to do everything right. I don’t feel like it should be that I have to be at the end of my rope to have someone want to meet me half way.






Let me clarify that he isnt a horrible person, I just am not getting needs fulfilled. He isnt mature enough to know who he is as a person, and needs more time to grow up. I'm just not interested in trying to get him to grow up and I'm MISERABLE. I’m so frustrated that I want to drink when I’m around him. He makes me so MAD, trying to prove me wrong about EVERYTHING it seems. I take the things he has issues with and I listen, hear, and try to improve. He just sweeps them under the rug by pretending like I’m always right and letting me walk all over him now, because “I’m the love of his life” and he doesn’t want to break up. I’ve shut down though. I don’t have any interest in him romantically. Is there any reason for me to attempt to fix things? Am I wrong to just want to give up? This isn’t marriage, but I feel like I’m just another statistic which makes me as depressed as this relationship does. Lol. The irony.



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