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16 years ago 0 1288 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Worthless Feelings Part 1 When you are depressed, you invariable believe that you are worthless. The worse the depression, the more you feel this way. You are NOT alone. A recent survey revealed that over 80% of depressed patients expressed self-dislike. Further more, the study found that depressed patients see themselves as deficient in the very qualities they value most highly; intelligence, achievement, popularity, attractiveness, health and strength. A depressive’s self image can be characterized by the four D’s: Defeated, Defective, Deserted, and Deprived. More often than not, this self image is self-defeating and unrealistic but it can be hard to recognize this illogical thinking pattern that is causing you to look down on yourself. In fact, you may have convinced yourself that you are inferior and/or worthless. Any suggestion to the contrary may sound foolish or dishonest. You are not alone in your thoughts, there are others out there that feel this way. We encourage you to challenge these negative thoughts and share your feelings with others in the support group. Sylvie, Bilingual Health Educator

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