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Fear of meds

18 years ago 0 62 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Godislove, I like taking the Lexapro because it has helped me somewhat with the severe symptoms of depressions. It doesn't cure the underlying problems, but it gives me some relief. I do beleve that clinical or major depression is caused by an imbalance of transmitters in our brain, so I can logically understand the need to take certain medications. However, I also know that medication alone won't cure me, as I have to work on getting better by learning as much as I can and be willing to ask for help when I need it the most. It must be hard for you raising children alone. It takes a great amount of energy to be there for them even when you have two people contributing to raising them. But when you are doing alone, you have no relief and have to keep giving them what they need. I admire you for doing your best under the circumstances. People sometimes say that you just do what you have to do, but I am afraid that if my marriage falls apart, I won't be able to bounce back from this one. The strange thing is that I think my husband might be cheating on me for the first time. I don't have any proof, but I sense that there is someone at his job that he either is attracted to or she is attracted to him. So like it or not I may be starting my life over again. I admit our marriage has been deteriorated for several years now, but I still can't think of being all on my own again, it is frightening. I know that it takes someone strong to go it alone and I will pray for you to continue doing what you need for yourself and your children.
18 years ago 0 81 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Moth. I know how you feel...I think we all do. I agree that Dr.s are too quick to give a Rx and send you on your way. I think that unfortunately they are overworked (like all of us are) and they are doing the best that they can at the time. The meds do help though and you are not guaranteed to be on them forever...may only be until you feel better then maybe you can see about being weaned off of them or at least to a lower dose. Just to feel better would be wonderful though wouldn't it? Keep at it, you're going to be okay. :)
18 years ago 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi! All, I am glad there is a discussion about these headdoc handing out the sugar pill from "HELL"! I too have been on many different meds over the past 15 years and had many side effects from them all. Paxil did help but I gained 80lbs and now that I no longer take meds by my own wishes I fight the still get this weight off. I am lighter than I once was! So, your concerns are so very valid. I am finding out that going to church having a support team there and using the resource of a health food store, I have done and felt much better. But not to say I don't still have my moments.
18 years ago 0 62 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Everyone, I just went to see my psychiatrist for the second time and she recommended taking Buspar 5 mg twice a day for anxiety. I started on Lexapro about 3 weeks ago and now take 20 mg daily for depression. She also prescribed Rozerem 8 mg at night for sleep. Has anyone taken Buspar before and if so are there any side effects and has it helped anyone? She stopped Vistaril because of the drozziness during the day when I work because I kept falling sleep around lunch time every day. I would appreciate anyone's input on this matter as I am anxious about being prescribed so many medications. Thanks for your help. Wishingwell
18 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi moth, Thanks for checking back in with us. It is unfortunate you had such a lousy experience at the doctors. Please don't let this deter you from seeking help in the future, hopefully from someone with more insight, compassion and understanding for this disorder. Finding someone you can trust and relate to can make a world of difference. Take care and keep us updated, Casey ___________________________________ The Depression Center Support Team
18 years ago 0 39 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi sootired and casey, thanks for your encourgagement. I went to the doctors five days ago and it was a doctor I had not seen before(i am relatively new to the practice and have only been once before). The doctor didn't really give me chance to talk - he explored a little my fear of meds then he told me off for never having taken any tablets and wasting people's time; then he proceeded to snap at me about what it was I did want if not meds - I saw his point really but he made me unable to express my feelings or mention that i was using this site - I agreed that i would take any tablets he prescribed. He then told me i appeared to have little confidence and seemed unable to express myself! He has precribed me a low dose he says (10mg) for two weeks of Citalopram. As always I came home and had good intentions but did not go to the chemist to get the prescription made up. I am feeling better anyway - this is true - this week is much better than the last few. Yesterday I started crying over an incident at work and was sent home. My partner has made me take the prescription in(yesterday) and I have now got the tablets. I haven't taken any yet.The leaflet seems ok and doesn't list the awful side effects I have seem on some others. I guess I will take one today. Moth
18 years ago 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
dear moth you r not being picky! you have a right to feel this way. and a lot of us have taken meds with many side effects. i have been on different meds they seem to help and hurt at the same time. and your right most doctors say depression is caused by a lack of chemicals in the brain well why can't they figure out a way to test if that is really the problem instead of what i was told today "we'll just keep trying different meds until we find one that is right for you. when will that be after i have a stroke, heart attack, etc. it is scary, but it's side effects or depression. which one do you feel is worse? it's probably not the best joke but, i always think well at least if i have a stroke or whatever i'll be happy about it. lol just try to remember the side effects can happen but most of the time don't. i totally agree with you on how easily doctors seem to prescribe the meds. i had a doctor that kept giving me diff. meds for each symtom i had. i was up to like 4 meds to couteract the the effects from the antidepressent. best you can do is just try to find a doctor you really like,feel comfortable with, and that listens to what you have to say. don't be afraid to tell them your fears about the meds. i told mine today that i wanted to be on something that had been around for awhile. (all the new meds coming out scare me too. a year down the road we might find out that it kills 1 in 10) kind of silly but at least i have some control over what i'm being given. i hope you have good luck on whatever you get prescribed or decide to do! and remember we are all here for you!
18 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi moth18, Please be sure to discuss your concerns about medications when you meet with your doctor. They may be able to give you some reassurance. Also, you may want to take the depression test offered here on the site, even if you may have taken it in the past. Completing the questionnaire and printing the results to bring to your appointment can be a great way to bring up numerous concerns if you are hesitant to discuss certain things with your doctor. Casey _____________________________________ The Depression Center Support Team
18 years ago 0 39 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, I am going to the doctors tomorrow(well making an appointment)and I know that he will prescribe me some meds again. I have been prescribed meds so many times but I do not even take asprin/paracetamol unless really necessary and can just about cope with that because it's just one or two tablets. I am so scared of taking meds when I read the side effects but I really do want to stop feeling like this and it's got really bad lately that I am seriously thinking of taking any tablets the doctor casts my way! I hate the casual way the doctor prescribes meds without knowing anything about you or doign any tests for physical conditions ot anything. How does he really know you are depressed, I mean I could just be an attention seeker or be stressed or suffering from anxiety and he just prescribed willynilly! I am picky I know. Hundreds of people takes meds with no side effects. Help. Moth

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