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Going back to the beginning of anxiety.

9 years ago 0 219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Since June when the panic attacks started and when I started this program, I didn't realize how far back in years of my anxiety I needed to go, to change certain thought processes. A profound email made me realize that I was still holding a cycle of anxiety from the first car accident. Residual effect per say, still there in my memory banks each and every time I get into a car. Worse when I get into a car with a particular person. The cycle is there, car, person, anxiety...anxiety, car, person. Its a vicious cycle that is something I have to change the thought processes to end. This same person is the person who caused level 10 fear in a driving episode not long ago. I can't change the person, so I have to change my reaction. I have put pen to paper, thought and rethought, and to no avail can I find an answer to change the memory, trigger or reaction. I'm doing something wrong if I can't figure out how to stop this trigger/cycle of thoughts. Any ideas or suggestions please?!

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