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cold turkey!

13 years ago 0 653 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm glad to hear that you are rewarding yourselves! So important! And it's great to keep finding more and more practical reasons to be happy to be a non-smoker!
Tiana, Health Educator
  • Quit Meter


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    Days: 5961 Hours: 10

    Minutes: 1 Seconds: 25

    Life Gained

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    Smoke Free Days

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    Cigarettes Not Smoked

13 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Quit Sistahs!  Just checkin' in after a few days away.  Looks like lots of cool things and new posts happenin' here; Roxie; 2 days ago - tomorrow; JoDee's One Month Quit - Wow!  Can you believe we're doing it!  I almost don't feel like a newbie quitter anymore!  
Roxie: Glad to share inspiration when it comes to  tear channeling - agreein' with ya - may as well have a decent excuse to let loose LOL! Sorry that your spa day wasn't all you hoped for. I bet you look great as a 'bright blond' anyway - but if not, my suggestion is to get some very dark sunglasses  for yourself before looking in a mirror. - OR - you can try my method; When I feel like a dog's breakfast, I steam my BR up real good before my shower; & only look at myself in the mirror when it's all clouded up. This also works good when stepping on scale (too steamy to read it) Either way works great! I always look  fine  as long as I stick to that rule, & (currently) don't care if my hubby calls me the Queen of DeNile!  
JoDee: How did your weekend go? I hope awesome! 
Aloha:  You're like Island Sunshine; Thanks for all your great posts!
Shevie: Your posts are so thoughtful -you truly saved my 'NOPE butt' one night; I would have caved, but for that post! Thanks 
13 years ago 0 45 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Aloha! :) It's black raspberry and white tea. Soooo good... you said you liked berries, so I think you would like it, too. The jury is still out on how well it cares for my color, though. I also bought some "hair mud" to go with the new 'do, but then it wouldn't wash out! So I shampooed with the new stuff, then again with a clarifying shampoo, got my Irish Spring soap bar, then finally did the new shampoo + conditioner again...
The short version is that my hair went from a natural ash blond to a very bright blond... and that I need to stop messing with it while under the influence of alcohol and PMS! LOL
Since my "spa day" didn't work out so well yesterday, I'm doing "take two" today. Thanks for recommending that thread. It has such awesome reward ideas!
13 years ago 0 3207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Mmmmm Roxie....what scent is that new shampoo? Hope you enjoy it now that you can smell things so much better. And you certainly do deserve it after one whole month of not smoking even one!  YAY!
I had trouble with the whole reward thing too, but then I understood that I used to reward myself for tasks completed by smoking and I needed to short circuit that pattern. That helped the quitting process become fun. There's a great thread about free and low cost rewards in case you or anyone else doesn't want to spend too much. Please keep being nice to yourself. 
13 years ago 0 45 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya folks. :) Everyone doing OK?
JoDee, you look much younger than 50, and I'm willing to bet that you're going to look even younger now that you've quit.
Eya, I got inspired by your reaction to the news, so I decided to intentionally watch tearjerker movies or listen to tearjerker songs...that way, all that stress and pent-up energy gets washed out when *I* want it to!
Shevie, you hit my junkie on the head. She's just making excuses. So today I decided to treat myself to some nice, healthy snacks, some new shampoo (Suave professionals, hehehe) and a few other things that I wasn't buying because I wanted to save as much money [for cigarettes] as I could.
So yeah... I'm doing OK. For some reason I've been postponing a nice, hot shower with the new shampoo for a good 13 hours now. There's a lot of truth to the "undeserving" feeling, and I aim to nip that in the bud this weekend! That's my goal.
Stay well everyone!
13 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Eya, Roxie, how are my sistah's today.  Hope all is well.  Hang in there girls.
13 years ago 0 97 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Eya and Roxie, it's great to see you both doing better.  Way to go! 
Aloha, your comment made me realize that I haven't flown since before I quit smoking.  I used to cope by sleeping as much as I could on the flight.  Wonder what it would be like now?  ~chuckle~
JoDee, you and your grandson are wonderful.  Glad you got the picture uploaded.
Don't forget to reward yourselves.  I know a lot of quitters say they don't believe they deserve a reward for a host of reasons (and excuses).  Truth is, they do.  YOU DO!  Every cigarette you do not smoke is a triumph of you over the addiction.  The whole "not deserving" thing, to me, is just junkie talk anyway; the addiction doing whatever it can to defeat the quit.  Don't let it and don't hold back with your firepower.  Treat yourself to a reward often and let Ol' Nic have it with both barrels.
13 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi guys!  Hardly cried today too. I had one good breakdown when watching the international news this morning - sigh! But realized my tears didn't help anyone in the world at all, so am pulling it together now! 
ShyOne: Thanx for the external HD backup wishes - very thoughtful of you LOL! But maybe a good thing I was 'out of it' last month. Was having some murderous/ flaggelistic thoughts anyway! So glad you're pulling through so far; your hair appt sounded heavenly - and you even enjoyed it!  No cravings for that long; that's Awesome! So proud of you. You're posts are funny BTW (LOL)!
JoDee: YAY! For getting through that party smoke free!  You did it!  I was rooting for you all weekend. If you read back, you saw Shevie's post reassuring us newbie NOPERS that we are nic free - and this stuff we are still experiencing is 'normal' - and will PASS soon! Hang on to those words!  So glad you got your avatar updated. You are one gorgeous Grandma and your grandson is adorable; he's so lucky to have such a young, pretty smoke free Grandma!
Have a great NOPE Day all!  Eya
13 years ago 0 3207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So nice to actually see you JoDee..with cute as a button grandson : )
Roxie, glad the waterworks have dried up somewhat. You're so right about enjoying situations more when your body isn't craving the nicotine. I used to get so fidgety when I flew anywhere, practically elbowing people out of the way to get to a smoking area when we landed. And believe me, I knew where all the smoking areas were in every airport I flew in and out of. Plus almost every flight is at least 5 hours long from here, so...nutso girl here. Now I LOVE flying! I sit back, listen to my ipod, do the crossword, watch the movie, have a drink, sometimes even snooze a little. It finally dawned on me - it wasn't the uncomfortable seats, the annoying passengers, that were driving me crazy. It was that sucking nicotine!
Glad you treated yourself to, and enjoyed, your salon treatment. I'm sure you'll find many more occasions to be happy you don't smoke any more.
P.S. I didn't stop drinking when I quit smoking, but I made sure I had a list of why I quit smoking with me, and asked a friend to be my quit guardian when we were together. It worked! 
13 years ago 0 45 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi guys! I have hope! I think it's starting to get better! I haven't cried since Sunday. OK, so there was that little incident yesterday where I wanted to shave my head because my hair color was growing out. (Ummm....yeaaaah...) After downing some liquid calm & courage for lunch in the form of a tall, cold beer, my boyfriend (bless him) finally convinced me to try something less drastic.
+ The crying DOES stop. Or at least pauses.
+ I CAN be comfortable in stressful situations without a crutch.
+ Having someone wash my hair is AWESOME, relaxing, and will be done every month from now on.
+ Beauty school prices are actually affordable.
+ When I'm enjoying something (like an awesome scalp and neck massage), it's SO nice to not start getting restless because of a craving.
+ I realized that, every other time I'd been in a hair place (about every year or so, lol!), I would get very stressed out. I think it was actually the smoking that contributed to it! I'd always be so focused on when I'd be able to have my next one that I never was able to really enjoy what was going on. The same goes for so many other places that I normally considered stressful. I was sitting in a hair sink yesterday thinking, "OK, WHY is it that I do NOT feel like running out of here screaming? Why am I content to just sit here and let all this luxury set in?" Aaaaaand that's when I kinda realized how much EASIER certain things are without those little rolls of paper and poison.
Sorry that I ran long; I guess my point was that I really like learning to do things without cigarettes, and it's a lot less scary and more pleasant than I thought. Hang in there, guys! We can do it!!!

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