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No need to read, just doing some major venting...

15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello CD,
Thank you for your lovely reply. I am still reading in this forum, so I am looking forward to reading your posts :). I just feel like all I do is come here and write long posts where I complain and whine and bring you all down... Also, most of my posts are about depression not anxiety. As such I figured I was making you all waste your time and was bringing you all down. I don't want to sink the boat with me lol. That is why I decided to stop posting here for now.
Now that that is said, it did make me feel much better to share with you guys. I love all of you and feel very comforted by your presence. As such, that is why I still check in and read your posts :)
Thank you so much for everything. As I said I just don't want to bring you down and waste your time with my sob stories lol. But I will keep you posted of my successes and I will be back for anxiety issues if they present themselves. Love you all!
CD, I shall miss you also but will be checking in as stated repeatedly above.I am sorry to hear you feel depressed also and yes depression is evil! I do feel like I can confide in you and hope you feel the same with me :) Oh and you are not blabbing so be nice to yourself! I will take care of myself and ask you to do the same :) I will be back :) And thanks for reminding me that I will get there :)
-Diva xox
15 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
 oh Diva im so sorry i missed this post . I dont want you thinking im ignoring you hun . I can understand what you are saying but will miss you soooo much . You dont bring me personally any negativity , felt honoured that you could confide in us . I know i feel better when i have actually wrote down what im feeling , although sometimes silly . I was hoping it might make you feel better as well . Depression is evil i know that , and am beginning to feel that way again myself due to life at home with hubby . ( actually he has been ok today ) .
Blabbing again sorry all i really want to say is i will miss you and please take care of yourself . I will be waiting for you  . Be patient with yourself Diva as you know it does take awhile but you will get there .
CD xxxx
15 years ago 0 1153 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
First off - congratulations on working everything out with your school! It's great that you will be able to go back next year and continue studying.
We are sorry to hear that you will be leaving us for a while but we hope that you find what you are looking for and start to conquer your depression as you've done with your panic. We encourage you to head over to the  even if you don't plan on posting. There are sessions available there that will help you learn more about your depression and ways to deal with it.
We look forward to any updates from you.

Brenna, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ok, well I managed to solve the last crisis with some help with the school I am going to next year. I won't be rich next year but I should be able to swing my studies which is great.
I think I will stop posting in here for a bit but I wanted to give you guys a heads up first. I didn't want to look like I just fell off the edge of the world. See, my biggest issue right now is complete exhaustion. It is making me lame and slobby and very down on myself. I have a deadline on the ninth and stil haven't managed to get one single thing done. My only anxiety is that I am depressed and that I won't get out of it. Oh have anxiety that I won'T meet my deadline but considering all I do is sleep, it is no big surprise if I don't.
Now that I am looking at things right in the eye, I realise that I am depressed. As such posting here is kind of a waste of all your time and brings much negativity to the forums and you all don'T need that. On a brighter note though, I am dealing with my anxiety through this rather well which I am super proud of!
I don't know if I will post on the depression center as I tend to find depressed people, well, depressing, lol! Which is also why I will give you guys a break. I will look in on all of you from time to time to see how everyone is even if I don't reply. I will be thinking of you all and wishing you the best. I will be back once I have more to contribute and feel less negative about things. I know good days will come back. They always do :)
Anyway, have fun all of you. I will go work on feeling better myself. TTYL!
15 years ago 0 1153 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
We're sorry to hear that may not get financial help next year. Keep on doing some research and see if there are any avenues that you haven't tried yet.
Brenna, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
 Sorry to hear that Diva . Good for you starting the day with a great attitude . x
15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Decided to get back o n track. Got up early and tried to catch up on paperwork before catching up on work. Then I realized that I most likely cannot get help financially for next year so That means I probably won't be able to study. Feel very anxious and very down. Now, I still have hours of work to do. Bleh!
15 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
That's great! I'm glad things went really well and it must have been such a relief for you!
Sorry to hear about them rashes though. 

15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Georgie, Josie And Cornish-Dee for the encouragement!
Today, I have rashes that affect me from head to toe and everything in between! Even my scalp has a rash...It is driving me crazy. None of my skin is comfortable1 Bleh! I feel like I will go nuts! On top of it they are visible... I have always had problem skin and allergic skin. And of course emotions and stress induce rashes for me....As such atm I have eczema, contact dermititis and a number of non-contagious rashes to deal with....Fun! This incomfort is making everything else more difficult!
And yet ( I am done venting now) I am doing well today. I slept well last night (if at funny hours). Also, I felt nervous about going to see my boss today but I went anyway. I had to cover up (because of my rashes) so I was dressed for autumn lol but I went anyway. It went really well! She was very nice and said she was happy I seemed to be feeling a bit better. And she was happy with my work up to now. And here I was thinking what I had done up to now was lame lol! Goes to show us anxious people are just too hard on ourselves!
I am still not quite in my normal energy range yet but am feeling so much better. Still tired but very optimistic :) I think I will go for a walk now, rashes and all !
Anyway, hugs to you all, much gratitude and I wish you all a pleasant day and evening!
15 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey you did great Diva , thats alot of work .

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