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good day, bad day???

17 years ago 0 8760 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lorlee, Take out your strategies and keep at it. Sometimes all we can do is take it an hour at a time. This too shall pass and better days will return. Hang in there. Danielle ___________________ The PC Support Team
17 years ago 0 165 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Mary, I am going through what you wrote about. I just had a really good week. My anxiety level was really low and I was feeling great, then yesterday morning it started up again. I got control of my feelings but all day long felt uncomfortable. Then this morning I had one heck of an attack. I got the old urge to run as the fear rose which I know is not the way to handle it. I sat on my bed and rocked till the fear subsided but it feels like it is bubbling just below the surface ready to explode. I realize I have to get a handle on this but when the fear is at such a high level it is so difficult.
17 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya Mary, I know exactly how you feel. I have had times like that. It makes you feel like you are on a crazy rollercoaster. But it will get better. I dont get as much of that nowadays because on the bad days I use the tools I have acquired to fight my thoughts. And with challenging thoughts as with anything practice makes perfect lol. Anyway, I wish I had more to say to help you but I just wanted to let you know you are not going crazy and you are not alone. I have gone through that too before. Hang in there this too shall pass! -Diva
17 years ago 0 131 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm not giving up, I have reached that point where I know I want to get better, but those physical symptoms are strong and very overwhelming and I get myself soooo convinced that I have a dreaded health issue that I send myself flying. But it's hard, but I'm not giving up. Thanks for letting me vent. Tomorrow will be a better day, we'll start again. Let's hope for a sunny day, that always helps :)
17 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Mary, Stay with this! Use the Panic Diary to help pinpoint areas to work on and identify your triggers. Focus on those good days and what you are doing. You can do this :) Josie ______________________________ The Panic Center Support Team.
17 years ago 0 131 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Two days ago, it was a good day, started off a little anxious, calamed myself down, got out into the sun and started feeling better. The whole day was a good day. I was laughing, smiling, feeling good inside. Then the next day (yesterday), man, what a bad day. Woke up feeling anxious, then my physical symptoms took control and I was off...everything was wrong, how I was feeling, I had myself convinced I was sick and everything was wrong. I tried calming my self dowm, didn't work. By dinner time, I was a mess, I had a huge panic attack, lasted about 20 minutes, cried, anxious, after that, I settled dowm then went to bed. Today, I seem ok, am I going nuts??? Anyone get this....I was really scared how much control these thoughts have, especially how the physical symptoms can just manifest itself and away you go, but I can't give up right? Thanks for listening.

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