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9 years ago 0 13 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I while since I wrote anything here, but I'm happy to say I have been doing well. I signed up for this site in late June and since then I have only been intoxicated once ( not plastered but a good buzz :) I have enjoyed some drinks here and there but I have so far been very good and stuck to my guns. My wife is happy with me and I'M happy with me! It's been pretty amazing I think, the thought process changes in how to conduct myself in order to be happy. Work has been more productive, everybody in the house seems happier, we got a new dog not long ago. I have distanced myself from some friends over the last few months due to the fact they like to still go out every weekend and get drunk etc. My responsibilities come first so some things had to take a back seat. Still, I have certainly noticed times when it would have been very easy to just drink, drink, drink, but my renewed focus and determination have allowed me to realize those situations and take the proper steps to avoid a calamity. I hope everybody here is doing well and staying strong!
9 years ago 0 13 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Dave. As of today I'm on day 31 and things are going well. Journal entries every day. I tend to write things down at the end of the day so things are fresh in my mind. I really have no complaints at this point. Yes I have had some drinks along the way but I have not been intoxicated at all. Alcohol has been used responsibly but very seldom as well. Before I started this I would probably have a casual beer or two just about every second day, but now I go days or weeks without with no difficulty. Just finished another golf tourney on the weekend. It was a memorial for one of my friends sisters who died of an over dose. Seems life has a way of reminding us of what's important and how precious every day is. I also just played a round with a guy I knew from high school. He has become very very dependant on alcohol and it's a shame that he needs to cope with his own issues in such a destructive manner. Again, a stark reminder of how slippery the slope can be. Kez, Thank you for the response. I'm glad that you're able to relate to my experiences. I hope things are going better for you than they have been and that you are able to find strength within yourself and from others. For me it was really a question of what kind of man, father do I want to be? A father that his kids can look up to or any variation of the other which doesn't end well. We are all capable of beating our afflictions but I believe first and foremost you must be able to be honest with yourself and get rid of any self delusions we have about our problems. We can all rationalize things to ourselves so that we can sleep at night, but after looking at what I've done over the course of my young life I wasn't impressed with the guy looking back at me. I'm done fooling myself and once I made that commitment to change, everything else seems to fall into place a little easier. We all get to walk the path of life, it's just our paths have a few more rocks and holes to watch out for. By having a clear head, staying responsible and looking forward, hopefully we are able to see those possible pitfalls and make the necessary changes in our course so we can stay on the path and not fall on our arse in the bushes off to the side! ONE DAY AT A TIME.
9 years ago 0 94 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yakob, yours words resonated deeply with me. Same(ish) age, same(ish) family dynamic, and one of the hardest things to deal with is the massive punch in the stomach every time I think about what I've done and how I'm going to forgive myself and keep my chin up. It sounds like you have what it takes to do this. Welcome to the site (even though I'm a bit late on the reply at this point.....). Look forward to following your journey and to learn from yet another strong person.
9 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Yakob,

How are things progressing for you? It's would about 21 days now correct? Is the journaling helping? One thing I tried previously in regards to journaling was an exercise from a book called "The Artists Way" by Julia Cameron. She now has a website so you can learn a bit about it at ( It's a really interesting book and the exercise was very liberating. You do a specific amount of writing as soon as you wake up in the morning while it's quiet, you're alone, and haven't started your day so your mind isn't pre-occupied. It's really amazing what comes out during this exercise. 

Hope the progress is going well.

All the best,

9 years ago 0 13 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
A good author to read is Melody Beattie. I'm reading "Stop Being Mean Top Yourself". She has others as well. I encourage a read. I'm starting with this book and moving on to her other publishing's.
9 years ago 0 13 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Lynn, TS and Dave. This site has been very helpful being able to hear the stories of other people and to realize that there is a lot of support available to those who seek it. Headed on the right path, now just have to keep my bearings and remember that there are more things to a happy, healthy life than just booze and a good time. Everything has a time and a place. Stay Strong!
9 years ago 0 348 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You are to be congratulated for following your plan in a place that you knew would be a huge trigger!  Keep it up!

9 years ago 0 345 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well done Yakob! Sounds like you're enjoying the walk...Your baby steps are quickly becoming giant leaps.

9 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great work Yakob! Getting past a huge trigger like that is a major step in the right direction. Keep building on that success. After a while it becomes very natural and frees you mentally to work on more things. 

Excellent way to handle!

All the best

9 years ago 0 13 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Golf tournament was a success! I enjoyed a few beers throughout the day. Exercised complete self control. What an eye opener staying sober and seeing how drunk others got. Sure made it easy to see why I want to stay sober. I'm very happy how I handled the day and evening as well. I was the DD. Not to mention what a wonderful thing not being hung over for work and having my boss, whom I golfed with, say what a pleasure it was seeing the sober Yakob. Made me feel great to hear that. I stuck to my plan and I feel great.

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