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Diva news...

15 years ago 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

i would have said hypomania, but it has been only a day (or two)...

you will know more tonite when you try to get to sleep...   or by how much house work you get done

15 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wow Diva congratulations!  Thats big, great news! Being! 
Have you been talking to your doctor about your mood swings?  What you are describing sounds like the highs one would experience if they were bipolar.  BUT I am not a doctor so it might be an idea to share how you are feeling with an MD.  However, wildcat may be right, the hyper mood may just be because of all the positives in your life right now!  Perhaps you are just very happy .  Enjoy your happy state this weekend
Keep on posting, we love to hear how you are doing.
Ashley, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
the hyper state might be a reaction to all the great news, felicitation Bella!
I am happy that so many good things have come your way!
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Sarah,

Thank you for the reply. Well, I had a lot going on, but now things have settled a bit. Well, I do have the house to get back on track... It is a mess... Oh and I have to get our finances back on track too now that I can... Fixing my mom's Ipod and hubby's Ipod... Getting some papers from my last place of employment... University stuff for next year... But overall, it has quieted down.

I am trying to accommodate my sleep. I still sleep a lot, like 10-12 hours a day. I feel so tired! But I am trying to cut myself some slack and relax and do things I enjoy without guilt over things I NEED to do...

But yes, I want to try and get a routine (which of course will include much sleep and relaxation time as it is unavoidable lately) and start the program over. I keep getting stuck on session 5 bizarrely... But yeah, I know not rushing is the best thing.

Thanks again for the reply !

Hello Wildcat,

Thank for taking the time to stop in! And yes, you are absolutely right, I won't have to give up the sleep and nap but just taper off as I can, good point :)

As for waking up to pleasant sounds I think I will go get an alarm clock which will play soft music instead of beeping lol. But once I do get up in the morning as is, I do put soft music up to help me wake up. But the alarm clock that comes first kinda ruins it as I wake up to jarring sounds!

As for nightmares being part of depression, I actually had forgotten that fact. I know I have learned it but it had escaped my memory. So thanks for reminding me as I have had some horrible doozies lately! As for the sleep journal, that is a great idea! Thanks!

And à bientôt to you too!

Since yesterday around 2 pm I have been in a weird state. I am really hyper! I feel febrile and shaky. I can't stop talking too loud and too fast and too much. I chat with people but it is like chatting with myself as I don't let people put in a word edgewise unless I ask a question... And I realize I do it and try to stop but just start at it again soon after. But I know it is because I am feeling so hyper. And my head is full of ideas and theories and dreams, like my brain is racing. Oddly enough I don't feel overly anxious. I actually feel kinda happy at times even which feels nice. It almost feels like I am on a mini high. Not sure what this all means but hey, I am taking it as it comes . The big drawback though is that I can't seem to sleep well. I sleep maybe 6-7 hours which is very unusual for me lately. And I feel like I am kinda tired but too hyper to really feel it, make any sense?  But as I said, this is not altogether a bad mood to be in lol! I just figure I should hold off any major decision until I figure out what this is first though hahaha! But I do intend to enjoy the ride by dancing and walking and listening to music and what the heck I might actually clean the house! 

Oh and I have news! I will be published by the end of May! My first ever research publication! Woohoo! Oh and I got into the doctorate's program for next september!  Yay! 

Well, that is me for today! Me and my hyper self will try to go relax some and then sleep!  Se
15 years ago 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
HI diVA,
it is so nice to hear from you!  you know that you will not have to give up the nap and sleep... only taper then off... cut them shorter and shorter, and try to wake to pleasant sounds soft music or those meditation sounds of water and birds ... it helps the transition from sleep to wakefulness be a good one...
Ah yes, you might already know but ... just in case!  nightmares are one of the depression symptomes something about the subconcious not processing the days events properly and making everthing extremely negative ... keep a dream log and see if a pattern occurs and talk to your therapist! 
a bientot!
15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for dropping in and letting us know how you are doing.
It sounds like you have a lot going on right now with your recent hospital visit and computer issues. It is good to hear that you are feeling better.
As you mentioned in your post, you need to have a sleeping schedule and patterns that work for you. Your well-being is important so accommodating this as much as possible is encouraged. And your therapist, mother, and husband are right- take a break! Separate yourself from whatever you have going on to sleep. This means no distractions!
Take your time getting back into a routine and going through the program. As you know, to get the most out of the sessions, don't rush!
Continue to post and keep us updated on how you are doing! We are here for you!
Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey guys,

Sorry for disappearing again...

First I had PC troubles and felt too tired to go to library for theirs... Then I got sick. Got a flu, then I got a stomach flu which landed me a few days in the hospital...Fun stuff. Then I felt oddly better and I didn't want to jinx it by thinking about my depression lol Real logical right? I should know better :P

Anyway, all this to say, I am back and I will try to make it a for good situation despite my fatigue and lack of energy for much. I know this places does me good. 


Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I will try to restart the program for myself. I know I need it. As for making a list, I made one. Now if I could just get started I would be golden... :P As for not napping I tried it and I get all irrational and weepy and cranky. I start crying for no reason and feeling dizzy and panicky when I am too tired. So now I just sleep whenever I feel like it and am trying to stop feeling guilty for it. It makes me a lot less productive but overall I feel more balanced inside when I am rested. My therapist, husband and mom all three tell me to give myself a break and just sleep. So I have been trying that and must admit I am pretty burnt out and sleep seem to balance me out. But once I am a bit more on my feet, the advice here sounds great and I won't forget it :P

Hey Wildcat,

I am adjusting to my new dose for the meds and I think they are doing me good. It is still up and down for me. I feel all over the place lately, up and down, but I have more ups which is nice. And thankfully, up to now, no adverse reactions to my new meds :)

I am taking my anti-depressant at night now, thanks for the tip! It helps!

As for sleep being an escape, not sure. I do like to sleep as it makes me feel better. But I would say my main modes of escapes are movies and books (to which I am addicted!). But it is a good question to which I will try and find a definite answer. Thanks!

Thanks for your thoughts and I am sorry if I worried you. I will work the program and get out of my funk :P

Hey CM! 

So glad to hear from you! How are you?!

Thanks so much for the comforting and thoughtful and sweet reply. It made me feel very supported :) As for the meds, I really think they are helping actualy which is a first for me with anti-depressants lol. So that is good I guess :) But I do talk to my pharmacist and doctor and therapist often. No worries there :) Thanks again for the reply and I hope to hear more from you!

Yesterday, I had a dream where my cat was dying again and I had to choose what to do all over again. I woke up crying and horribly sad and felt depressed most of the day. 

Today, well, I just woke up but I feel a bit better. I have to go though as my brother needs me and I want to eat before I cal him. But I will try to drop in regurlarly now ad gt back on the program :)

Thanks for the suport, it helps me feel less lonely.
15 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ya Diva:
It's been a while.  I too am concerned about you saying " Why would anyone care what I have to say... who cares what people like me have to say. Just a nerd and a dork, never was really popular or well integrated... who cares."
I care and so do people on this forum & on the Panic Center.  As you know I have never been on meds but one question pops to mind.  Are you feeling more depressed since starting these meds or since your dosage has been increased if so please discuss this with your doctor.

Hope you are better today
15 years ago 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I know how you feel about the meds and that you have reacted badly to others.
You said the doctor has up-ed the meds but are you taking them as precribed?  Is it possible that at higher doses you are reacting to them? 
 I only have my experience with Effexor which I have to take at night or I get really sleepy. And my experience with Seroquel which I over-react to and over sleep with!  I have found a confortable routein thanks to my pharmacist.
The other question I wanted to ask ... is sleep an escape?
A way out of the pain and loneliness.  if it is then it will easily become a bad habit and you will crave more and more sleep.  As issues arise and stress builds exhaustion sets in quicker, and the body demands the release brough on by sleep where before a resolution to the issues is what was needed...  Am I making sense?
Diva,  I am worried about you...
15 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You have a lot going on and this is understandable.  Take it slow and yes do get back into the program.  Talking to your doctor about all of this can help you come up with a plan that doesn't overwhelm you.  Start slow and push through the sleep.  Go to bed at 9 and wake up at 8, that should be enough sleep for you.  Don't nap in the afternoon and keep yourself occupied whether it be starting on that purging one room at a time, or going for a nice walk.
You can't do this all at once and it helps to make lists and attainable goals.  What do you want to do first? Write down all your thoughts on paper and discuss it with your doctor or therapist.  Enlist in help from your mom or husband and declare one day out of the week purge day!
Clutter will overwhelm you, so get started and make sure that you take some you time.  Finish at a designated hour and then take bath, go for a walk, or sit on the porch.  This may make you tired after all the goals you have accomplished and you may have a better rested sleep.
For now start slow and do one thing at a time and talk to your doctor.  I know you can do this, your support here has been instrumental and you are a wonderful person!
Josie, Health Educator

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