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Why are we here?

10 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am here to form relationships with others, and to help people -- starting with my family and extending to others both near and far, depending on the strength of the communities in which I participate.  I am not here to be happy or to be miserable.  Those feelings will come and go.  I have much room to improve in so many ways.  I hope to work on being a better person until I die.  I do not suggest this is a universal principle, but I do encourage my children to think this way -- to try to make things better and leave a place and people better than when I arrived.  My father taught me this.  I am not religious, but I try to live by the golden rule.
10 years ago 0 1562 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
"Why am I here?"

Thought provoking question David. Recently I ran into ancient Hindu scripture Bagavad Gita where it says human birth one achieves after several attempts (meaning being born in other forms) and finally we are given a chance to interrogate/contemplate the existence of GOD and realize that we are a small spec of the whole universe and return to God head. But unfortunately the moment we take a human birth all the desires 'maya' crepes in and we get mislead and eventually die without realizing why we took this birth. And then we may not get another opportunity for several births to return to human form. We are just not this physical body but something more than that. We transmigrate from one body to another and at the time of death our spirit soul, intelligence and mind moves to another body. And what kind of body we would acquire depends on the what we aspire at the time of death. Hence the scriptures suggest that as we grow old, we start losing desires and contemplate on existence on higher power.

I am not sure if you have seen the short clip by BBC on Vervet monkeys. If you get a chance take a look at it, very intersting. These Vervet monkeys behave exactly like human beings when it comes to alcohol. Just 10% of the population drink alcohol very similar to us and most of them stick to sugary fluids. I wonder if these were human beings in their earlier births and had alcohol problem and when they died, they still aspired to drink and because their 'karma' they didn't find a human body but instead took a birth as a Vervet monkey and ended up as an alcoholic Vervet monkey.

In the book Power of Now, ET talks about conscious death, I am going to quote it below:

Apart from dreamless sleep, which I mentioned already, there is one other involuntary portal. It opens up briefly at the time of physical death. Even if you have missed all the other opportunities for spiritual realization during your lifetime, one last portal will open up for you immediately after the body has died.
There are countless accounts by people who had a visual impression of this portal as radiant light and then returned from what is commonly known as a near-death experience. Many of them also spoke of a sense of blissful serenity and deep peace. In the Tibetan Book of the Dead, it is described as "the luminous splendor of the col-orless light of Emptiness," which it says is "your own true self." This portal opens up only very briefly, and unless you have already encountered the dimension of the Unmanifested in your lifetime, you will likely miss it. Most people carry too much residual resistance, too much fear, too much attachment to sensory experience, too much identification with the manifested world. So they see the portal, turn away in fear, and then lose consciousness. Most of what happens after that is involuntary and automatic. Eventually, there will be another round of birth and death. Their presence wasn't strong en
10 years ago 0 154 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I do not wish to come at this from a solely religious or philosophical perspective when I ask the question which humans have asked themselves and others since time began: "Why am I here?" But, I believe a lot of the malaise that we experience as a whole or personally can be traced to lack of purpose, which may be why many of us drink. Most of us can subscribe to the obvious: birth, go to school, go to work (or not), get married (or not), buy a house (or not), have children (or not), save for retirement (or not), get sick (or not), grow old (or not) and then die. During these phases, life happens on either a positive, negative or neutral plane on a day-to-day basis.  Some may believe we try to be the best we can as humans because this life is all there is, so it behooves us to act in a somewhat noble and altruistic manner. Others believe we need to do good deeds so that we can earn a good piece of real estate in heaven when we die. Others couldn't care less either way.
To get back to the subject of "Why we are here," isn't it somewhat the case that when we have no goals or purpose or passion, we tend to become complacent or depressed and simply go through the motions? A French philosopher once asked a very pertinent question "Are we spiritual beings having a human experience or human beings having a spiritual experience?" If we believe in the latter, then this is the only life we have so we might as well make as much of it as we can.  The one with the most toys wins. That's not much solace for those who live a life of suffering or die at a young age or live in poverty. If, on the other hand, we subscribe to the former, then we know that this life is but a speed bump in which time and space are slowed down so that we can experience first hand things like love, hate, truth, error, justice, corruption, mercy, compassion and so on.  When I think of the universe and its immensity, with billions of galaxies, each with billions of stars and no doubt planets, and its continual expansion, not to mention the millions if not billions of species living on this planet alone, I would be blind not to believe that each of us are here for a very special reason.  It need not be something that is announced with trumpets for everyone to hear and applaud.  It could just as well be a sick child or fragile elderly person who touches others in a special way without even being recognized as the world defines recognition. Do you think that there is not enough to do in such a great and immense universe when we lay down this flesh to take up again our original form (spirit) which is unencumbered by space, time and fleshly (worldly) concerns? Only this time we have 'practical experience' of the virtues and their opposites mentioned earlier. Knowing this, we can live a sober life or moderately sober life appreciating the lessons that life brings to each of us every day, rejoicing that our spirits, and whatever indestructible body we may be given that can transcend time and space (i.e. eternity, which has always existed, even now) and live forever doing practical and mind boggling stuff in this great universe. Sounds like a marvelous reason for living and enjoying one day at a time, regardless of what life brings on.
So, what does all the foregoing have to do with drinking in excess? I think it has a lot to do with it.  If we go through life in a somewhat numb state or without any idea of what we might be doing when we cross this veil of flesh, we may be missing out on opportunities that endure for a million (countless) times longer than the mere 80-90 years (if we live so long) we live on this planet earth.
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