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Diva news...

15 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Diva,
I just recently stopped taking my Celexa again.  I had a period of time where I thought it helped but overall I felt like I wasn't me.  I don't know exactly how to explain that.  I have an appointment next month with my doctor and I plan to address this with him.  I'd like to have my Lexapro back, but unless our insurance changes I will likely not be able to until there is a generic available.  Overall, I'd rather not take medication for this.  I guess no one really does.  If there was a miracle pill that would allow me to be me, but normal I'd have no issues.  I just find that after awhile on the Celexa I don't feel like anyone at all. 
I think you are correct in taking the kinder, gentler way in dealing with your husband.  It does make it easier to connect when you are not at each other's throat.  I've adopted the same attitude here. There is something going on with my husband also and I realize that it is not my fault and that these issues have been there all along.  I have backed off to allow him to grasp this. It is not easy on me but I've determined that I won't give him a reason to blame me for whatever he is unhappy with. Hopefully he will be able to see the root of his issue.  Will it work?  I sometimes think so, and other times I think I'm wrong as usual.  I can tell you that it has allowed me to stop trying to fix everything myself. 
15 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Same to you Diva!
Glad to hear that you are doing well
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Sylvie,
Yup, still hanging in there! I posted in the "my latest successes" thead!
I did go to the therapist today. I think it helped :) I am still sorting some stuff but it helped me see clearer. I went to the restaurant with a friend yesterday and for a walk with another friend on monday and for a walk with my mom yesterday. So this week has been filled with lovely people!
Today, I am hormonal and pretty exhausted but happy with myself for getting through my work day!
Wishing all of you a great evening!
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey mom of 3,
Thanks for your reply! I am still on the fence about trying tthe meds. I saw my therapist today, he kindly pointed out I am being neurotic and am a control freak lol. all of it very true lol! But I am sure I will come to the right decision for me! If it is not too indicrete, do you take medication or no? Anyway, I guess it is a decision we all need to make for ourselves!
As for the hubby, I am trying for a kinder less angry approach with him, hoping it will help. I do hope he gets help but as you said with your hubby iti s out of my hands! I guess we will both keep hoping! Sorry to hear you have so many hardships in this area.
As for doing what you can and leaving the rest to God, it sounds like a good idea to me! Trying to change things we can't is just plain exhausting! Anyway, hang in there! You are in my thoughts!
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Ralph, thanks for your reply and your support! If I do decide to take the cymbalta I will definetely share my experience with you! And if I hear info on it, I will share that too!
It sounds like you are taking al sorts of great proactive steps for yourself! Kudos!
15 years ago 0 1288 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great to hear you are hanging in there! Keep your chin up and keep letting us know how you are doing.
What have you done for yourself lately that has made you feel good?
Sylvie, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 24 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Diva,
I hope you can find a medication that works for you.  I don't like alot of the side effects that I have while taking what I've tried.  It seems like there's always some compromise and I hate that!!!  Keep us posted.
I hope your husband gets the help he needs also.  I am hoping the same for mine, but it is up to him.  I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that what we're going through has alot to do with his issues and not as much mine as I previously thought. I pray everyday for a miracle and every day there's a baby step forward and a giant step backward. 
Mostly, I am trying to take care of those things that I can and leaving the rest to God.  My biggest problem is when I bog myself down in the question of "Is there something I CAN do?" It is here that I exhaust myself
15 years ago 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Let me know what you find out about Cymbalta, I just started taking it myself. I know how you feel about medication. Not crazy about myself, but don't seem to have much choice. Even though I have only been on and off of meds for last 3 years, it seems like the only choice, because when I am not on them, out of the blue I go off the deep end. Right now I am more concerned with going off the deep end. Tried to do everything else, lifestyle changes, therapy, the only thing that seems to stabilize me are the meds and that makes it tough to like positively at the future. Anyways hang in there.
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wow I got cut off midsentence...
The gist of it was I have no anti-depressants that worked well for me in the past. I actually have few options available to me. SO it is go back on something that did not work well in the past, try this, or take nithing. I am still trying to figure it out...
As for my hubby not dealing well with his weakneeses and being a tad repressed yeah, I agree! But I am still hoping he wil figure things out and help himself. He deserves it and I love him.
So I am hanging in there!
Wishing you all a lovely evening. I am of to go relax before bed!
P.S: I am going to see my therapist tomorrow. Am hoping he can help me resolve the whole meds question!
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well just got back. Had a long walk with mom and then had a nice supper out with a friend. It felt really great to be out and chat. I had a good time! Now I am gonna relax and watch something good on tv. First though I figure I will finish up my reply lol. So where was I, oh yes:
I doubt I can get my hubby to go to a support group. Me I don'T know if there is one but between this center, my friends, my mom and my therapist, for now I feel covered. As for the couple's therapist, she is giving us a good prices which means we can most likely go every week or at worse every two weeks. So that is good! But I am hoping hubby will ask for help from his doc. That would be a start!
Anyway, thanks for the reply and for caring it means a lot to me!!
Thanks. Yes on day at a time and this too shall pass is right! Thanks for understanding how I felt when the doc said that. I am glad I am not the only one who feels that way! And yeah, if I do decide to take them it will be one day at a time and only as long as I feel comfortable with! I am still not sure I want to try it, the whole possible allergy thing kinda scares the heck out of me lol. But hey, I have not yet made a decision but I will and I will let you know when I do!
Thanks for caring, it means a  lot!
Hey Mom of 3,
Glad to have you back! missed you and was wondering about you two. But I totally understand and respect why you had to take a break from it al and am hoping it helped you .  Thank you for the kind words, feel like blushing! Perseverance, high roads, honesty: high praise, thank you . Means a lot to me!
As for my in-laws, thanks. I think I have made my peace with it though. As you have said, they have their own issues to deal with, now I am at peace with it all. Plus my hubby is ok with me only going once in a blue moon. I don't get much pressure from him, he gets it so that is good. As for them being dysfonctional, maybe it is true but I don't know and I figure it is not my problem lol! That might sound heartless but as I said, I kinda made my peace with it and decided those who like me fine and those who don't fine. I am nice to all of them when I see them but I only see them when I feel up to it and that is good enough for me!
As for my hubby's gaming, well it started way before me. It got worse with the years but I know I am not the root of it lol. As for his issues, well yes, he has them and hey are deep rooted lol. But isn't that true of just about anybody? I just hope he does something to help himself. He really is a wonderful man and I hope he gets help so he can be happy. He deserves it, I just wish he could see that!
As for the meds, you are right. I can decide to go back on them to help myself and get off once I am better. And they idea of taking meds short-term (I like the anti-biotic metaphor btw, helps me get some perspective, thanks) is easier for me then long-term. As for the allergic reaction, the problem is I ha

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