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15 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Focus on the positive- you made it through the weekend!
Hang in there
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
 Hi guys, 
I have come back from my party. It is a bitter-sweet feeling. Sweet as I feel victorious. I went there and acted nice and sociable and I wasn't the first one to leave! Not even close. So woohoo for me!
Bitter as this party left me feeling exhausted and tired and sad and brought up a lot of issues for me. Today's party was at my dad's. Me and his wife have major issues. And although lately she has been wonderfully nice, I still feel stressed out with her. I always feel like I am waiting for the claws to come out. Like this is just a truce that will turn into an ambush
Plus there are a lot of hurts in my past related to her...Her saying bad things about my mom (whom I adore) is one of them. Even tonight I heard her with my brother saying bad things about my mom (not sure what the context was)...Btw, my brother was not saying bad stuff about my mom, only she was... 
Also, all night there was talk about family and family unity and how lucky we are to have a united family and I felt like: "Are you kidding me! Am I in a different universe than you are? Am I in the Twilight Zone!?!" I barely get to see my dad. Growing up with all the tensions I did not get to see him much (part of that is his fault for being a workaholic). There are tons of "family pictures" in which I don't appear. "Family trips" without me. Most of my life I felt as if that woman wanted me not to exist! And now we are all lovey-dovey and a united family? What universe did I just land in? So I spent all evening pretending to feel part of a family I don't feel a part of so as not to break the illusion for everyone. I felt anxious and angry and sad and displaced and lonely and like a total FRAUD! I pretended my behind off! Give me an Oscar! 
And on top of it, there are too many secrets. I know so many secrets that would blow the lid off that little united family I am not part of! Too many secrets. I wish there was none. I hate secrets. They make me feel bad and anxious. So many secrets that would break it all and shatter my life in the process. None of them are secrets I want to keep. They are all secrets I HAVE to keep to protect others from each other...I HATE IT!!!!! And the worse part is that if any of those secrets come out I am the one who will get it because, for some odd reason, any time anything goes wrong in that family I am the one who gets the angry phone calls and the recriminations! And I am the one who doesn't want the stupid secrets!!!! I hate this. And usually I make my peace with all of it but when I go there and I exhaust myself pretending it just all comes back up and my peace is shattered and I hate it! 
But I still go because my dad is sick and has been fighting cancer for over five years. He is in chemotherapy as we speak. And I don't know how long I will have him. So I go to make him happy but I hate it. But every time I am there i am afraid I will let a secre
15 years ago 0 406 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You're making great progress, keep it up!  Hope you have fun!
Karen, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well I wrote about my parties in the weekend thread so I won't repeat myself here. 

Today, I am hormonal, that time of the month (sorry to those for whom this is too much info). As such, I feel achy and crampy and bloated and anxious and sad and well you get the picture. On top of it I am exhausted  and still have a ways to go today before I just get to crash out on my couch... I feel so overwhelmed at the moment!  Bleh! But I did get some good work done today and I saw my mom. She is good to me, my mom. I love here, she is the best. Anyway, I will go now I have to get ready for tonight. I would rather lie down on the couch and sleep but Iwill go and make an appearance! Later guys!
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Breanne,

I guess I am getting more and more insights into the meds thing for myself. I will figure it all out I am sure. As for staying positive I sure am working on it! I have come a long way and I will keep getting better! There are ups and downs but as long as the ups are consistently bigger than the downs I am getting somewhere. Make any sense? Anyway, thanks for the reply and support! And how are you today, Breanne?

Hi guys,

Today, I got up way later then I wanted...But I decided to forgive myself lol.  Acceptance is key. If you resist it persists. The big thing in my day today is that I have a Birthday party to attend to. It is a birthday for me and my brother-in-law. He and I have birthdays pretty close together and since we get along really well we often celebrate together. So tonight is our birthday party. I am not feeling up to it so much. I am exhausted and , well, exhausted.I am also a bit more anxious lately. I am not sure how many people will be there but usually there is a lot. So that freaks me out. I am not good with large groups. I must say though that his wife is one of my best friends and she knows about my anxiety and usually takes good care of me. She sits with me a bit apart from the group and chats with me and keeps me company. She is great. So that always help. And she is bound to be there since it is her house lol.  And haing ing with her makes me feel less awkward and lame. In groups, I don't know how to deal with people and it makes me feel lame  but her being there helps. 

So I will go and do my best to be sociable and nice. It will make people happy if I make the effort to attend. Plus, I can just go sit in a corner with my friend if I feel overhwelmed. And once I am too tired  I can just go home happy that I went. So yeah, that is the plan. Thanks for letting me think out loud it helped! 

Have a good day guys.
15 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for the update Diva
You have great insight into your feelings regarding your meds. Stay positive, keep up the great work, and don't forget that you have already accomplished so much
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yesterday I went to my GP. She prescribed an anti-depressant but at the lowest dose which is all I can deal with atm. She prescribed new sleeping pills, she wants me to sleep. I am not sure I will take them...I will speak to my therapist. I have control and fear issues when it comes to medication. Lol that is an understatement!

So I will go see my therapist again next week, and after that I will most likely start on anti-depressants. I hear those AD (anti-depressants) are also good to help control anxiety. So that would be a nice little bonus lol. Not sure how long I will have to go on the AD so that freaks me out... But I will speak to my therapist and we will figure all this out together.

It is hard for me to go back on meds. When I was meds free I was very proud of myself. I keep having to remind myself that although "pills don't teach skills" they can help get you and even keel so you can learn the skills and make the changes you need. I also have to remind myself that it does not diminish me or my accomplishments, it does not make me lesser. The worse part is I totally agree with others taking their medication I just don't agree with me taking any lol. 

Anyway, today, I am resting. I had a big week and I got through it and am very proud of myself. But I am also exhausted! So here I go being decadent and just relaxing today!

Have a great day guys!
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Ralph,

No I am not a First-born. I have an older sibling. I must admit that that older sibling is older then me by at least 5 years. I was the quiet, good, high achieving child though. My older sibling was more rebellious. I was the one that stayed home and helped with the dishes. I was the one who worried about school and other achievements. So I am the baby when it comes to my mom and dad. But oddly enough I recognize myself in all you have said! : "the control and resistence to change, we are scared of making a mistake, so we want to stay with what we know. ...the perfectionism. It is hard to enjoy success, because it just seems to set a higher standard that you must attain next time. Makes it hard, especially because we are always striving for success. Instead of relishing in our achievements, it just creates a bigger cross to bear." So true, So very true lol!

But yeah, I am doing better and you are right, I do deserve a gold star!  I am learning to change and learning to take better care of myself. My life has improved tremendously in the last decade and although this is a rough patch I just know it will get better again! Good things are coming my way!
15 years ago 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Glad to hear you are feeling better! I was curious if you were a firstborn? Been doing a alot of reading on firstborns(yes, I is one) and alot of what you show as symptoms are traits of firstborns. the control and resistence to change, we are scared of making a mistake, so we want to stay with what we know.  I suffer from many of the same things, especially the perfectionism. It is hard to enjoy success, because it just seems to set a higher standard that you must attain next time. Makes it hard, especially because we are always striving for success. Instead of relishing in our achievements, it just creates a bigger cross to bear. Glad to hear you are doing well, don't be afraid to give yourself a gold star!
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Last time I saw my therapist he gave me some psychometric tests to fill out. Today we discussed what came out of it. It was hard to hear and at the same time fascinating and interesting. It will give me lots to think about. I won't share all of it with you here as it would take too long lol.

But what came out, is that I have several symptoms of anxiety and depression, that it would seem I am in an anxious state and a depressive state. I am a a perfectionist and very very hard on myself, if not down right mean to myself. I have a lot of inner conflict. Finally, I am slow to change, kind of afraid of change and stubborn and like to be in control.

So basically, I am anxious and depressed.  I need to make a lot of changes in my lifestyle and my thinking. Except that I hate change, am stubborn and only like things to happen my way lol! 

Seriously, I am glad we did this. It gives me things to think about and an idea of what is going on with me and what needs to get done and what needs changing. 

We discussed medication. We came to the conclusion adding and anti-depressant to my anxiety meds would be the best way to go. I have cut out my sleeping meds as my insomnia doesn't really go away lol. Tomorrow I see my doctor so I can discuss it with her too, so that is good. 

So that is what is up with me today. All in all though, I still feel oddly well despite being anxious, depressed  and tired. I know it doesn't make much sense. But I feel hopeful that things are on the mend and that I will get better.

And hey, compared to where I was and where my life was say 5 years ago, atm I am feeling stellar! Life just goes on improving for me despite the ups and downs. I just know it will keep getting better and this is just a rough phase.

This too shall pass!

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