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Diva news...

15 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good luck at the clinic Diva. You're right, better to be safe than sorry
Let us know how you are,
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
 Hang in there Diva! Got to remember the chemicals in your brain had alot to do with the way you are feeling to begin with, so as soon as you as start changing things, well things start to happen. Some of them good, some of them not so good. Don't feel guilty about going to have it checked out. Even if they say it is not the meds, that is a good thing ,not bad. And it is not in your head, so don't fret so much about that( I know that is easier said than done). You are in our prayers and thoughts! Remember your own words" This too Shall Pass!"
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hey guys,

I got through my weekend. I had such a crazy two weeks. By Sunday I was wiped! I took it very easy yesterday. But today, I have some really bad lower back pain. It started last Friday and hasn't really gone away. It is hard for me not to feel anxious and freak out since this coincides with taking new meds. I keep thinking it is my kidneys that are affected by the new medication. But then I tell myself it could be a ton of other things, like the extreme cold we are having at the moment. One way or another I won't be able to go to work today as I need to go to the clinic. I feel really bad for missing work and acting all hysteric over this but i figure better safe then sorry! So that is me for now, trying not to blame my new medication for all my ailments!
15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You should be proud of yourself for getting through this week!
As for the side effects, has your doctor explained to you what you can expect when taking these new meds? Often pharmacists are also available at your local drug store to discuss any potential side effects when starting new medications. Perhaps once you speak to them it will be easier for you to understand what symptoms are side effects and which ones could be internal.
Enjoy your weekend Diva, you deserve it!
Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey guys,

Well I think I am getting some side effects from the meds. I feel a bit dizzier and light headed. I make sure to change positions slowly especially when getting up! I am definitely experiencing dry mouth. Sometimes I think I am getting rapid pounding heartbeats but when I take my pulse it is at 80 beats per minutes which is far from being all that fast lol. I am not sure what side effects are real and which ones are just me driving myself nuts lol. But I am slowly settling into it and have not felt all that poorly considering I am starting new meds. Oh and no allergic reaction in sight yet so that is good! So I am hanging in there, taking my meds and hoping the benefits are high and the side effects minimal. Also, I know that a lot of side effects subside once your body adjusts to the meds. So all in all I am hopeful. Even though I believe pills don't teach skills, I figure if it can give me a little boost so I can focus on my CBT more, I will take it!

I had a big week. And on top of it I started my meds. So I am pretty proud of myself for getting through my week. Ok so today I slept litterally all day but am still proud lol. Tonight I went out with my dad and his wife.  The meds had me feeling a bit unsteady which contributes to my anxiety but I did well. Now I am tired again but I am taking it easy and watching some good tv shows.

Tomorrow I have a big day but I am sure I will do fine! Anyway, take care all!

15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It is so good to hear that you are processing this experience and that your session with your therapist went well.
Staying in contact with your therapist will be incredibly important as you start this new medication.
And do not feel bad about not answering others' posts. Your body is trying to tell you to "slow down." You have been through a lot and deserve to take some time to yourself and have a nap.
Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Wildcat,

Thanks for the reply! It really helped. And yes, I wish the people who hurt me would understand and apologize. But hey, this is real life so all I can do is accept, let go and move on. But yeah, I am like you on that!

As for why I get generic answers! LOL! Thanks for putting things in perspective! I had a good laugh! And it is true!

Thanks again for your support!

Hey guys,

Today I went to the therapist. We took some physiological readings with his machine. Like a before picture of my physiological systems (limbic system, electrodermal readings, heart rate, blood flow, etc, etc, etc.). Then I took my first anti-depressant pill in a very long time...It was tough. The good news is that I have not had a severe allergic reaction to it. Now, I figure that is a good start lol. I am having a very emotional reaction to taking this med. I am partly hopeful and partly sad and defeated and down on myself. But as with anything else I will sort through it! And hey, if I don't like the effect of the meds, I will just taper off. 

I will see my therapist again in 3 weeks to get more physiological readings so we know if the meds help or not. He said if I feel anything weird or feel freaked out or anything, he is on stand-by and will take me in on an emergency basis. So that is good and reassuring! 

Well, sorry for not answering anybody's thread for now but I found today and the meds things and the emotional reaction to it quite tiring. I am going for a nap. I will try to be back and answer all of you later!
15 years ago 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi diva,
I know about the family and the generic answers.  And I think it is because most people do not know how to help us find a "cure" to these wounds that do not heal.  Time does nothing for them.  We (me?) need those who inflicted them to understand the pain they caused and apologize.   
The generic answer is the socially acceptable manner of saying "I have nothing good to tell you so quit dreaming and get on with life".  Seriously; would you prefer this slap in the face or the nothing words?   Society has come up with a load of niceties that we use everyday so that we will not kill each other  . 
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Wildcat,
Yes, five years is a long fight. He is doing well considering everything. I am thankful for everyday I get to have him.
As for my mother, yes, she is still with me and in fantastic shape last time she checked. She is the best. I love her so much. She is so good to me. She is one of my best friends. I just don't have the words to express how grateful I am to have her in my life.

Thanks for the support. Yes I made it through the weekend.

As for the family stuff. I am always shocked at how much it affects me. I find peace and balance and acceptance until I get into a room with that woman and all of a sudden I feel very uneasy and angry and sad and bitter and scared. As for experiences, like sunday, they are surreal to me as everyone speaks of this reality full of family unity and love and that is not what I went through at all, that is not my reality. 
I guess I am always surprised just how deep the cuts are, just how big the scars of it all are. It is hard to grow up (I was not even ten yet when my dad remarried) knowing there is someone out there (who btw, is making a new life with your dad) who wishes you did not exist. It is hard to deal with that same woman saying horrible things about your mom (who is your one safe harbor in the world) in front of you. It is hard to know your dad spends more time with her daughters than with you. It is hard when you see her daughters sitting on his lap to watch t.v. while you sit alone on the opposite corner of the couch...It is hard to be yelled at and insulted by an adult from whom you don't know how to protect yourself. It is hard to keep secrets you don't want to because it would start fights...I guess what I am trying to say is that I felt pretty messed up after the party. It is taking me some time to sort through everything again and make my peace with it again. But I will! I always do!  Also, what is hard is that if I talk about this all I get for answers are things like: "Buck up!" or some generic positive answer! I think people do that because they figure I will buck up as I have become good at dealing with my stuff and staying generally positive etc... But sometimes, some understanding would be nice lol. As I said, at this point I am settling down from the whole thing and I know that by tomorrow I will be at peace with it all again.

Another thing bothering is a situation at work. Where through no fault of my own, my student and me ended up in two different class rooms. So we both waited for each other for the length of the class... Well, I will most likely end up not getting paid for my time, getting the blame for it all and having to give that class back to the student! It just feels unfair... But fighting it would take more energy then just accepting it would. So I will just accept it but it is bothering me at the moment. But as with all things I will make my peace and move on.

I am tired and sad and cranky. So exhausted! Today is a really bad day but tomorrow will be a good one!
15 years ago 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi diva,
wow 5 years.  today that is a long fight.
Do you still have your mother? 

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